Leaving... Again

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Around 9 am, Beca walked into her room. Chloe was still asleep.


No response.

"Chloe it's Beca. I'm home."

"Hm?" Chloe rolled over, still half asleep.

"I'm home."

Chloe smiled at the sight of Beca.

"I missed you."

"Yeah, same."

"So are you packing up today?"

"Uh, I guess yeah. This weekend I have to get it done. I leave again on Monday." Beca couldn't make eye contact with Chloe.


"I'm sorry."

"You say that a lot."

"I feel it a lot."

Beca flopped onto her bed. She was tired. Tired of herself. Tired of what she was doing. She felt like she was pushing Chloe further and further away, and she couldn't stop it.

They sat in silence for hours. Neither doing anything, not even looking at each other. Being together was just as much comforting as it was painful.

Just a month ago, Chloe was patiently waiting for this day to come. She counted the days, eagerly awaiting Beca's return. Now that it was that Friday, Chloe wished Beca never came back. It was torture seeing her when she knew they might never see each other again in a few days.


Sunday night, Beca had all of her boxes taped and ready to be shipped off to Washington. The Bellas spent the night all hanging out together as a going away party for Beca.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Beca," Stacie said.

"We all will," Cynthia said with a smile.

Chloe stayed silent most of the night.

The girls were all going to miss Beca a lot, but they knew staying in touch would be possible. Chloe was the only one who couldn't guarantee that.

Later that night, when everyone had gone to bed, Chloe stayed downstairs with Beca.



"Would you want to drive me to the airport tomorrow? I totally understand if it would be weird or whatever, but I-"

"Yes. What time do we need to leave?"

Beca smiled.

"Around 10."

Chloe nodded and then headed up to bed. Beca stayed back. This was all starting to actually feel real, and she hadn't really processed it yet.

"I'll see you in the morning, Chlo."

Chloe looked down from the stairs and nodded.

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