Fight For Me

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Chloe woke up the next morning to see Beca was gone. Not just gone-at-class, but gone like she packed up a bunch of her things and left. Chloe could tell she didn't move out or anything that drastic, but she clearly went on some sort of trip without telling Chloe.

This immediately pissed off Chloe, so she headed to Amy's room for answers.

"Where the hell did Beca go?" She said as she stormed in.

"Woah Chloe calm down. What do you mean?"

"Beca's gone. We got in a fight last night and when I woke up she was gone. A bunch of her clothes are gone and most of her music stuff too."

Amy could hear the anxiety in Chloe's voice as she spoke. She could tell that Chloe was upset, but more nervous about Beca's whereabouts than anything.

"She didn't tell you?"

"No Amy. She didn't. Isn't that pretty clear?"

"Ok ok sorry. She went back up to Washington to visit her mom."

"How long have you known she was leaving?"

"Ehhhh...." Amy's voice trailed off.

"Amy don't do that. How long?"

"She told me when she bought the tickets which was probably a month or so ago. I'm sorry, Chloe."

"It's ok Amy. It's not your fault, and thanks for telling me."

"No problem. Let me know if you need anything!"

"Thanks Ames."

"Jesus christ Beca," Chloe muttered under her breath on the way out.

The second she was back in her room, Chloe called Beca. It rung until the very last ring, so long that Chloe thought she wouldn't pick up.

"What the fuck Beca?"

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry Chloe."

"You should be. Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" Chloe was furious and couldn't hide it.

"Cause it was just easier!"

"You couldn't tell your best friend that you're going on a little trip? I was worried Bec."

"How much did Amy tell you?" Beca knew from Chloe calling it a "little trip" that she must not know the full story.

"She just said you were visiting your mom at home. Which apparently you didn't have the decency to tell me yourself."

"Chlo I'm gonna be here for a month. I needed a break, and I haven't been home in so long anyways."

"A month?! You left for an entire goddamn month and couldn't say bye? I cannot believe you Beca."

"Chloe I couldn't face you and say that. You know how I am with communication."

"Yeah Bec, I do. And I'm over it. I don't give a fuck that you suck at communication cause I'm done with whatever this is. Have a good time with your mom."

Beca was stunned. These past few months she had seen Chloe get pretty angry, but this was a new level. She seemed serious.

"Chloe don't. Please. We can figure this ou–"

"Stop saying that! We've never figured it out! We're not right for each other, Beca. This was doomed from the start."

"What happened to you, Chlo? You're supposed to be the rock. You're supposed to be the fighter who never gives up on what she wants. Why are you willing to give up on me?"

"Because you never gave me anything to fight for in the first place." Chloe hung up. She couldn't take anymore of this directionless conversation.

Chloe felt like she got kicked in the stomach. She didn't know what to say or do, so much that she felt like she was out of breath just thinking.

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