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It was nearing finals, so Beca was busy studying almost all the time. Her dad was pretty harsh about school, so this was a big deal for her.

Chloe often times helped her study, or at least kept her company. Tonight, Beca was studying at her desk while Chloe sat on the bed and watched her.

Beca sat, hunched over her book, sitting in a tank top and oversized sweatpants. Her hair was up in a messy bun with little curls falling out at the nape of her neck. Chloe loved this look on her.

Chloe sat criss-cross on the bed with her laptop open to a blank screen. It was more of a prop so she could pretend to do work while really looking at Beca. It sounds creepy but that's just how Chloe was.

She noticed everything about Beca. Things like the dimples on her lower back, how she tapped her fingers on the desk when she was frustrated, or the way her eyes would always light up when she got the answer.

"How's it going over there Mitchell?"


"You look cute." Little flirts like this weren't uncommon coming from Chloe, so it never felt weird to Beca.

"Thanks Chlo, but I look like a mess."

"I love when you look like a mess," Chloe joked.

Beca shot her a look back with a little smirk.

"Are you gonna do any work, or just stare at me while I do mine?" Beca teased.

"I'm not staring!" Chloe said defensively.

"I'm kidding, Chlo."

"Phew!" Chloe thought. That would be awkward.

Chloe always felt unsettled by how much she liked Beca, and more importantly how much she thought Beca didn't like her back. She constantly had the anxiety of feeling like she loved too hard.

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