The Call

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Chloe ran up the stairs and burst into Amy's room with no knock or greeting.

Amy was sitting on the bed with headphones in while she facetimed Beca. Chloe couldn't tell they were on the phone when she walked in.

"Amy I can't believe I just did that!"

"Is that Chloe?" Beca said on the other end.

Amy frantically tried to stop Chloe from talking while simultaneously trying not to show Beca what she was doing.

Chloe paced the room and continued to rant, not paying any attention to Amy. She did this often.

"Amy I hooked up with her! I'm a horrible person!"

"Chloe hooked up with who?! Turn the computer to her right now Amy!" Beca was furious, and Chloe was still oblivious to her being able to hear this conversation.

"Amy? You gonna say something?" Chloe finally looked up.

"Um. I'm on the phone Chloe."

"Well can you hang up? This is important. I might have just cheated on the love of my life!"

"Uh..." Amy turned the computer to face Chloe.

"Shit shit shit shit," Chloe muttered.

Amy unplugged the headphones so that Chloe could hear Beca.

"I'm gonna go downstairs and grab a snack. You two talk it out." Amy left the computer on her bed and walked out.

Beca's face was beet red, and she had tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Is it true? You cheated on me?" Beca said with a shaky voice.

"Um... yeah. I guess. I thought we broke up though, you know, the night before you left."

"So what Chloe? It still hurts! I loved you, and just because we broke up doesn't mean I can just get rid of those feelings. I guess I thought you would feel the same." Beca choked back tears.

"I do love you, Beca. I love you so much that my whole body ached when you left. I love you so much that I've been sleeping in your bed at night, thinking of the time that we used to share it. I love you so much that tonight when I was with that girl, I ran out because I couldn't stop thinking of you."

"Amy told me about that girl. Said you met at the bar when you were drunk off your ass at 10am." Beca let a small grin break out.

"Yeahhh not my finest moment..."

"So why'd you do it?" Beca's smile didn't last long.

"I don't know. I guess I needed a distraction. I thought if I found someone to replace you I would be happy again, but nobody could ever replace you. Do you hate me?"

"I could never hate you, Chlo, but what you did was fucked up. I messed up too. Big time. But we can't just cancel out our mistakes and call it a day, we both still fucked up."

"Yeah. I guess you're right. So does that mean we're really over?" Chloe sniffled.

"I think we were already over. It just took us this long to give it up." Beca wiped the tear from her cheek.

"I still love you Beca."

Beca smiled back.

"Goodnight, Chloe."

"Night, Mitchell."

Beca hung up the call and broke down crying. Once she knew Chloe couldn't see her, it was like everything she had pent up was finally coming out.

Chloe was too in shock to really cry. She had a few tears here and there, but she was more mad at herself than anything.

Beca and Chloe were really over this time.

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