Washington Rain

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Beca had been in Washington now for 6 months. She had adjusted well, and she made a lot of new friends at her job. She still missed the Bellas everyday, but it was getting easier.

Today was a rainy day in Washington, and Beca was out running an errand. Walking around in the rain brought back a memory of her and Chloe back in her sophomore year at Barden.

May 17, 2013 - Beca's Sophomore Year:

Chloe and Beca spent their night out at a bar to celebrate Chloe's passing test scores. They both were using that as an excuse to go out.

Around 11:30, it started to rain.

"Maybe we should start heading back before it rains harder, Chlo."

"Come onnnnn one more drink!" Chloe whined.

"Fine. One." Beca shot Chloe a smirk. She knew Chloe would try to convince her to stay for another one after this.

"Two more tequila sodas pleaseee!"

Beca rolled her eyes. She always pretended to hate how childish Chloe could be, but she loved it.

By the time they finished, Beca was right about the rain getting worse. It was pouring now, and they had a few blocks to walk back to the Bellas house.

"Alright, Chlo. Let's go." Beca grabbed her jacket and draped it over Chloe's bare shoulders.

Chloe overheard a group of guys talking about going to Joe's, a nearby dessert shop, and thought that sounded like a great idea.



"Let's go to Joe's! We can get crepes," Chloe begged.

"It's raining."

"Ok? We're gonna get wet walking back anyways. Might as well make a pit stop to get dessert!"

Beca sighed. She knew she wouldn't win this.

"Fine let's go to Joe's."

Chloe smiled and pulled Beca out the door by her wrist.

They ran down the street in the pouring rain, laughing nonstop at nothing. Beca watched as Chloe twirled around with her mouth open, catching the raindrops like a little kid catching snowflakes.

They got inside Joe's and ordered their crepes. They sat in a booth, soaking wet, smiling about their night.

"I love hanging out with you, Beca."

"You're not too bad either, Beale." Beca winked.

"As much as I love dancing in the rain, I'm starting to get a little cold. Should we head back home?"

"Let's go."

They started their walk back to the house, shaking in the cold rain. Chloe squeezed in next to Beca so that they could share her jacket over their shoulders.

The second they got inside the threw off their shoes and headed upstairs to get in dry clothes.

"Your hair is a mess, Bec. Let me fix it."

Chloe ran her hands through Beca's wet hair and tucked it behind her ears. They were so close, Chloe wished she could just kiss her.

"I'm out of pajama shirts, got anything I can borrow?" Chloe asked.

Beca tossed her a tee shirt. It was the one that Chloe ended up keeping all these years after that.

"Thanks, Bec."

They got into bed and turned out the lights. Not even a minute passed before Chloe brought up a sleepover.

"I'm still really cold, Becs. Want to come over to my bed and warm me up a little?"

"You're so weird."

"So, yes?"

Beca grabbed her blanket and walked across the room to Chloe's bed. They snuggled up and both girls fell asleep in minutes.


Beca caught herself smiling at the memory. She wanted to call up Chloe to talk, an urge she hadn't felt in months. She took out her phone and started to dial, but she backed out.

Beca couldn't get that memory out of her head the rest of the day. It was comforting in a way.

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