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Chloe woke up the next morning, still happy about last night. She had been wanting Beca for the past 2 years, and finally had her.

Beca was also excited, but she wasn't all in. She had never been in a relationship before, so she didn't know if this was right to jump into.

After about a week in, not much about their relationship changed besides the fact that they were having sex now. Beca liked that. It felt relaxed.

"Beca?" Chloe walked into their room to see her half asleep.

"Oh hey. Where were you so late?" Chloe's presence woke Beca up pretty fast.

"Amy and I went out, but then she saw Bumper and left with him. I wanted to come back and see you anyways though." Chloe said with a wink.

She walked over to Beca and straddled her, leaning in so they were just about to kiss.

"Have you been drinking, Beale?" Beca teased.

"No! Can't a girl just be affectionate to her girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend?" Beca said this hesitantly. Not in a good way though. She wasn't happily surprised, but rather she said it as if she was disappointed in Chloe's words.

The hesitation in her voice was like a stab to Chloe's heart. She knew Beca well enough to know this wasn't a good thing.

"Aren't we?" Chloe was confused, and also a little hurt. The mood between them flipped 180° in seconds.

"I don't know, Chlo. I mean I kind of thought we were just feeling things out still."

"I guess I thought you confessing your feelings meant we were dating." Chloe had gotten off of Beca now and was sitting on the bed next to her.

"Chloe you treat me better than anyone I've ever met, and I do like you. We just never made anything official and I don't think I'm ready for that."

"If I treat you so good then what's holding you back? Are you wanting to see other people?"

"No! Not like that at all! I just am a little scared to fully jump into this. I want to make sure I'm ready before I let you love me."

"I think it's a little too late for that, Becs. I do love you."

"I'm sorry, Chlo. You have a really big heart. I can't be the one to ruin that."

"You're ruining it with this conversation. Everything would have been fine otherwise."

"So I'm not allowed to feel unprepared for this huge change in our relationship?" Now Beca was getting defensive. She hated feeling cornered, which Chloe tended to make her feel in these arguments. It was never in a toxic way, but Chloe just always needed straight answers and wasn't afraid to push for them.

"That's not what I said. I just mean that it's unfair for you to lead me on like this the past week."

"I didn't lead you on! We never made anything official, Chloe." Beca was so confused what went wrong in such little time.

"I think I'm going to sleep in my own bed tonight. Goodnight Beca." Chloe got up and moved over to her own bed. She hadn't slept there for a week now because she'd been in Beca's bed.

"You're gonna leave it at that? You know, I'm not the only one who's wrong right now."

"I'm tired. We can talk in the morning."

Beca turned the light out with no goodnight. She was pissed at Chloe, but more pissed at herself.

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