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Just like Chloe said, she started to distance herself from Beca. They still shared a room and chatted from time to time, but nothing compared to their old dynamic.

Beca had been super down ever since this started, and Chloe had too. The difference was Beca missed her best friend, while Chloe was trying to get over a heartbreak.

Chloe had been on a streak of one night stands trying to find someone to replace Beca. It wasn't working too well.

Beca had a night class, so she got home around 10. When she walked into her room, Chloe was already in there with another girl.

"Shit. Sorry." Beca awkwardly said and quickly turned to go out. She walked right into the middle of Chloe hooking up with some random girl from Barden.

Chloe ignored it as much as possible and continued what she was doing. Beca was shocked at what she saw, and for some reason angry. Beca knew Chloe had been spending the night places so she assumed what was going on, but nothing about Chloe sleeping around was ever confirmed.

"What the fuck." Beca thought as she stood in the hall. She decided to go to Amy's room while her room was occupied.

"Hey Ames."

"What's up with you?" Amy could tell she was upset.


"You look pissed. Everything alright?"

"Yeah. Ah I don't know..." Beca sat down.

"Come on Beca. You can tell me!"

"It's weird I don't even know what I'm feeling."

Amy was another one of Beca's close friends from the Bellas. They talked a lot, but usually not about serious things.

"Is this about you and Chloe not being friends?"

"What? Did Chloe tell you?" As far as Beca knew, none of the other Bellas knew about her and Chloe's fight. They both agreed to not bring it up.

"So it is true. I can tell when you guys are fighting, but this has lasted way longer than normal. What happened?"

"Honestly I don't even know. It started when Chloe talked to my dad and I blew up at her over that. I guess you probably knew that part since she started rooming with you for a bit. Anyways, things finally started going better after that, and I felt like we were closer than we had ever been. Then, Chloe told me something really weird." Beca trailed off on the last sentence, reluctant to explain Chloe's "weird" confession.

"What did she say?" Amy questioned. She could tell it was something big by the way Beca stopped talking.

"She basically told me she was in love with me, and I completely fucked it up. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't lie and say I felt the same, but obviously it made things awkward between us."

"Do you feel the same? I always assumed you guys weren't just friends."

"No, I don't know. I didn't feel the same. We agreed to move past it and stay friends, but Chloe couldn't do that I guess. She pretty much said if I didn't feel the same, she couldn't bare being friends with me."

"That's harsh."

"I know. I guess I get it, but at the same time it was abrupt. I mean, she was the one who always was pushing for our friendship."

"And you never reciprocated? Beca that's probably why she couldn't stand being your friend anymore."


"I'm just saying, it's hard to be in a one-sided relationship. Especially if she really loved you more than a best friend."

"Yeah. Now I'm second guessing if I really don't feel that way about Chloe. I just walked in on her fucking another girl, and it felt horrible."

"That's called jealousy."

"Yeah, Ames. Why though? I shouldn't be jealous that my best friend- ex best friend- is hooking up with someone."

"Because you guys aren't best friends. You love each other! You know Chloe's been getting with a new girl every night since that fight? She's not over you."

"God, really? See there it is again. I am jealous. Fuck." Beca was so confused. She never had thought about Chloe like that.

"I think you should tell her as soon as possible. No way is that girl staying much longer..."

"Ew Amy. But yes, I'll tell her." Beca was scared at the thought of telling Chloe.

She stayed in Amy's room until they heard the girl leave Beca's room. Before Beca even had a chance to go back, they heard Chloe's voice from down the hall.

"She's gone. You can come back, Bec."

"Fuck," Beca thought. She headed down the hall and braced herself for the conversation about to happen.

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