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The night has come. Her touch dissipated into nothingness and memories of her heavily touched my mind. Maybe I'll never see her again. I will forget her face, her warmth, her love and what once brought us together, will stay just a memory that's gonna hide in the corners of my heart. Inhale. Exhale. If I close my eyes , I might wake up from this dream that in the end means nothing and reality will free my soul, where her and I are one. The words could never explain how much I miss her, the acts won't show how sorry I am. How sorry I am for letting her go. Sorry for not stopping her. Sorry that the world could see the light of the day thanks to her sacrifice while mine fell info darkness of the night.

Is it selfish of me ? To hate this system for taking her from me? I want to forgive them. I really do. But not today. I will search the endless nights and the brightest stars just to see her again. Even if it means for the universe to crumble under our weight. I let her go once , I can't do it again. For I will fall apart to feel that pain once more.

PS: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story. English is not my first language and therefore I apologize in forward for the potential grammatical mistakes. 💀😌 It's a first story that I have ever tried written and I hope you'll feel what wanted to be captured in it.

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