The truth or a lie?

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"I asked you something! What holy war is coming?" I could feel his fear from miles away. But from up close, it was radiating twice as strong. The silence persisted far too long. I pushed him to the wall even harder until I could see the first springs of blood barking down my blade. " I will ask you one more time, Kristian. How can I open the portal and what war is coming ?"

His hand raised up signalizing me to free the grasp. I slowly released my knife and let him speak. "There are far worse things than Adriel, nun." "I'm not a nun," I interrupted before letting him continue. A smirk passed through his face. "The Universe is an incomprehensible entity beyond our human understanding that experiences itself. We all are just pawns in this game, compared to them, nothing more than ants trying to survive the odds. Dimension above dimension, in a never-ending spiral. Yet, there is a hierarchy that exists within, putting our world in the middle of it. We are the bridge between heaven and hell, higher and lower. But don't be mistaken, heaven and hell as we know is just a simplified concept of thousands and thousands of worlds that exists beyond our reach. Or we thought so. The concept of God is just a man-made creation to control humanity. Even if he exists, he abandoned us. Now the same Higher being let her enslave thousand of worlds and nothing will stop her from conquering ours. It's up to us to protect this world from her."

"I don't understand, who is Her? Who are you talking about?" I asked trying not to show my doubts. My entire life I've been taught that God is the only answer, that prayers are our penance and proof of our devotion thus we will find his love and forgiveness. What he says goes against everything I have ever believed in. So, why did I feel the truth in his words?

He looked me in my eyes as if he could read my thoughts. "Oh, you know. You've seen her."

Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. It can't be. If she was as cruel as Kristian describes her, why would she let Ava live, when she could have taken the Halo from her when she had a chance? Why would she let her go through the portal? I thought Kristian will give me answers. Instead, he left me even more confused. Eventually, I whispered her name as if saying it out loud could change the outcome of what's next: "Reya."

"There you go." He said while grinning brightly. But I could not allow him to win.

"Adriel was a maniac that unsuccessfully played to be a God. How can you believe his words? Reya had a chance to kill us, yet she just left. You praised Adriel as if he was the chosen one, and look where it got him. He fooled you enough to follow him. You won't get me into helping you with what you and Adriel started." I couldn't let him get under my skin. He helped Adriel kill thousands of people, probably he's mad enough to continue on his own.

"I seek no power. I'm only a servant. All I ever searched for was the truth. And I finally found it thanks to Adriel. It's true his methods were rather radical, but he always intended to save this world from her. People are driven by their emotions and their desires. The problem with people is they can't let go. They keep repeating the same mistakes. Fear can be as effective as love, dear. Adriel was well aware of this fact, so he decided to use fear to seize power quickly."

"Love is always gonna be stronger than fear," I said in disagreement. But before I could say more, Kristian continued talking.

"And yet people choose to be scared over loved. They cannot comprehend the fact that death is not the end. We are a vibrational energy. The energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It only transfers. But, it is in our very nature to fear death. We do it all the time. We are scared of losing someone or something, we are scared we won't leave something behind when we die or live our lives fully. People are selfish and blind to the truth. You cannot lose something that in the first place, was never yours. I am just a servant of the truth. The world is in danger and I will do everything to prevent our doom. Believe me or not. Reya must be stopped." And with these last words, he stayed silent and waited for my reaction. But I did not know what to say. His words spoke to my soul whether I liked it or not. I still needed to know if he is capable of opening the portal.

And all I could do is to listen to what my intuition suggested.
"You still haven't answered my question. Do you know how to open the portal?"

"Ava is our only hope, miss Beatrice. I believe we share the same interests." With a smile on his face, he noted. And that was it. Simply agreeing was the only option how I could find Ava. Truth or not, he knew how to open the portal but we still need Jillian's help, and that's going to take more than kind words. I just hope I did not make a mistake. Finally, I looked at him and sighed." So what's your plan, Kristian?"

He smiled and said at last:
"We are going to make an excellent team miss Beatrice."

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