What comes next ?

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"I love you too."
Her voice echoed in the loneliness of my mind. Did you ... remember us? I did not have a chance to react. It caught me off guard. Is it possible though...she truly remembered us, at that moment?

Sometimes what you want is not what you need. Sometimes what you learned is never learned and what is lost was never yours. I'd say fuck that because sometimes what you want is exactly what you need. I do... need her.

When I first opened my eyes and felt the first sensations in my legs, I thought: "This is it. This is heaven." I got a chance to walk free, until I did not. So I ran. I ran as fast as my legs could handle.

But then... I stopped. I realized, I don't want to run without her. I fought for the world that would be ours and ours only. I fought for the world where she lives because the only freedom that I have ever felt was when she held me.

Yet, here I am, far away from her touch, in front of the queen that I might call auntie.

Oh Bea, we could have had the world. Maybe, we weren't ready for it. Maybe now, we are.

The queen truly granted me one more moment with Bea, an act of kindness she says, but I know her intentions are elsewhere. I wouldn't be surprised if she made it up and all the queen did was to create an illusion to obfuscate my mind. Despite that , her touch felt more than real. Dream or not, believing makes me hope. Hope, there is a future where me and her can exist.

When I was pulled back to presence, I let my eyes closed. I did not want to let go of her again so, for a bit longer, I replayed the memories in my head. Tears kept flowing down my face, as if even they could not stand reality where she is not.

"Well now, shall we start?" The queen interrupted my thoughts.
At last I opened my eyes, gritted my teeth, firmed my posture and answered her call. "Yes."

"The universe is a truly magical place, Ava, impossible for a human to comprehend. Even after thousands years of living I couldn't entirely grasp the essence of it. I was never afraid to admit it. It's foolish to think you know it all because you may never will know it all. I have observed my world to evolve from a simple to highly intelligent species. It was a beautiful and inevitable process of suffering. We lived in piece with other planets until recently years. The low vibrational creatures started to feed on my people's energy. Fear and terror spread i  the farthest places of my country. We had to put a stop to it. For 10 000 years we fought back to bring back our lost peace. Adriel was a commander of one of my most strongest troops but his hunger for power knew no limits. As a runaway he stole my Halo and ended up on earth, imprisoned by his own followers."

Reya stopped talking for a brief moment to look at my face and it gave me an opportunity to ask. "Why didn't you come get him yourself? You look powerful enough to open the portal and close it. It would spare lot of innocent souls from dying a horrible death."

"No soul is innocent," she answers, "everyone plays their significant role in this life or the next. Each one of us killed or have been killed,  cheated and have been cheated, loved and hated, never ending cycle of suffering and evolving. Such an ignorant belief to think death is the end."

"You did not answer my question." I interrupted impatiently. Who has time for this? Why is she beating about the bush? Can't she just say because I did not feel like? Or because I don't like humans? Or because I couldn't? Jeeez woman speed up.

Scanning my face, she kept looking at me like a predator that's waiting for her prey to make a move before it kills it. She smiled at last and continued talking.
"You two were destined to meet. The faith brought you the Halo. All I did was waiting for it to happen and help you in the right moment, so we both we can fulfill our destiny."

"Well that's what I call bullshit. He was there for 1000 years and time here passes differently. You want to say that you patiently waited for over thousand years just so I can get Halo and come here? Why? Why this way? It could have been all done in other ways, simpler, safer even."

"Yes. It could. But then people wouldn't evolve the way they did. You wouldn't be the way you are. Perhaps your beloved one wouldn't be even born. The events must have happened in a specific order. I don't ask you to understand it. I'm asking you to listen and you'll understand in time."

She got me there. Even though I had thousand questions to ask I stayed silent. It took all my energy to keep siting there. My blood was roaring, pushing me to walk away, finding a way home. I wish it was that easy. "I still do t understand your plan. What is it that you want from me?"

"The lower planets want to take over Earth. And I want to save it. Save them all." Reya replied calmly. Why can't I trust her words? What is her true intention? Why would she want to save the Earth? What's in it for her? "Why? Why would you want to save them when it took you so long to restore piece here? What will you get from it really? And why me?

"My beloved child. You're the bridge between my world and yours. My time on earth is limited. For now. It's going to change soon with your help."

"How can I know you're saying truth? Why should I trust your words?"

"Cause you'll meet HER soon again." Reya said at last.

PS: Hey guys, it's been a while. I was quite busy and distracted and to be honest demotivated and stuck. I know it's a bit chaotic but I really wanted to finally push something out. It will soon make more sense and I'll try to work on more content in upcoming weeks to clear out all the gaps. Love you all and thank you for reading this story 🌸

Ava & Beatrice ( Warrior Nun )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora