The seven energy centers

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"One, two, again! One, two, again! Focus Ava." Xian screamed at me for a 10th time. Jeez this man should take a break. I swear to God, he keeps getting more and more annoying.

"It would be easier if you weren't such a jerk about it." I snapped at him. I might have changed for the past three years, but improving my patience and focus is still on my to do list.

Punch, kick, punch landing on my stomach. Pain. Gasp. Well, I deserved that one. "I told you, focus!"

Xian, a soldier that was assigned to train me in this hell was a merciless, loyal and highly deadly being. Even though his face is human, I don't dare calling him one. As I said before, focus is not my biggest flex and I completely forgot to mention his name before. After several attempts to stand up, I finally gain enough energy to mockingly bow and answer.  "Yes, master."

"Three years and you still haven't learned manners. You're lucky to be alive, child." He punched me one more time, showing no mercy. Tho deep down, I know I grew close to his cold heart.

"Okay, okay I got it now." While my combat skills rapidly improved, I discovered new ways of using Halo's power. Now that I don't have Tarasks breathing on my neck, I was able to tap deeper into its power. Levitating was just a tip of the ice. But as it known "be careful how you play with fire, you might burn yourself and everything around." I was told Halo is limitless. A person can gain only as much power as they can handle. So, for the past few years, along the combat training, I was practicing ways of expanding my mind, body and soul. I had to unlock, heal and balance 7 energy points in my body and reach beyond. In this realm, it is believed a human body consist of 7 energy centers that corresponds to specific nerves, organs, mental health and physical health. This  approach of healing meant tapping into my deepest fears and pains. Not twice pleasant if you ask me. I missed Beatrice every second of my life. I longed to see her smile once again but hope kept me going forward.

The first wheel-like energy center that I had to unlock was the foundation of the whole process. Xian said, to balance all the centers I must balance them accordingly. Like a house that you are building, without a proper foundations, the house would fall apart in the slightest windstorm. This center plays an important role in balancing the energy in the body, it affects health and how one perceives the reality. It is driving the force that gives us the physical energy to live our daily lives and do our daily activities. It is connected to feeling secure, stable and grounded. This is a very complex topic so, talking about it could take me hours.

What's important to know it is called The Root Energy, a place where all begins. The way I practiced balancing the root was through movement, meditations, breathwork and touch. Combat training secured the movement part and through touch and meditations I slowly connected to the nature and space around me. It wasn't easy, it's still not easy. Being beaten thousand times was easier than being in  a meditative state for 5 minutes. I was really happy when I reached 20 minutes of meditstions. By time it got easier, my mind find a way to find stillness in all that chaos. Soon after  I tried reaching so called  "No  thoughts state", I realized it's not possible at the moment. So, I kept observing them. I tried dissociate and let them go, flow like a leaf in the water. Going against the flow brought me only frustration, but observing, gave me a slightest sample of piece. And that's were I felt it, a first drop of healing and understanding. A burst of power that I never encountered. It wasn't uncontrollable, it was actually the opposite. I felt like I could do anything and I'd still have enough energy to do more. With each progress I felt more and more connected to Halo, as if we were becoming One. By improving my Root energy center, the rest of energy centers started showing improvements as well: Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat and Third Eye Energy Center. I can't see it all, I can only feel the difference in some way, but Xian, he has the ability and he said so. I guess that's good.

For the past month, Xian was teaching me to grasp and manipulate energy around me. He says:" The energy can't be created nor destroyed. It constantly transforms. You are energy, I am energy, the world around is energy. The reason why human brain can't comprehend this fact is only because it's reliability on the five senses it knows: sense of touch, sound, sights, smell and taste. Don't trust what you see. Trust what you feel. The only reason why this sword that I'm holding feels real and solid, is only because of the close interaction of molecules. The "invincible energy" are particles that move freely in the space. In between each inhale and exhale, there is a momentum where your experience stillness, emptiness and peace. On a regular basis a person does not even notice it. With more practice you'll start noticing it and learning from it. In the stillness, you don't need to use your eyes to see, your ears to hear or touch to feel. Women often talk about their six sense. They're not wrong, it does exists. Some call it intuition others angels protecting them. Learn from this stillness, LET GO Ava and you'll see beyond."

It's too much to learn in such short time, too much to understand for a young soul like me. A precises movements of hands must be applied to feel the flow of energy around us. Apparently we are only vessels that conduct and lead the flow of it. "One, two. Give and receive.— you're holding back. Why?" Xian asked me after several failed attempts of us exchanging the stream of energy.

"I'm not! I'm doing exactly what you're saying."  We have practiced for hours. I'm really hungry and his nuisance doesn't make it easier.

He looked at me with compassion, demanding the answer, but I had nothing to say. "Why are you holding back? You can easily kill me or heal me with this energy flow, so why can't you accept my healing flow of energy. Why?"

"I told you I'm doing what you told me." Jeez, man, when I say one thing I do mean this one thing. Why can't he just let go and maybe show me a more effective approach. Obviously, this one doesn't work.

But he saw right through me. Maybe he saw even more than I could. The things that I am not ready to face right now. At last he turned around. "It's all for today. We'll continue tomorrow." He paused for a moment, thinking if to say more or not but whatever his mind wanted to express he shut down and concluded our practice with last few words. "I'll be expecting your answer, Ava."


It's been 5 years in total, maybe even more. I keep losing the track of time no matter how much I'm trying to be vigilant. Every day after my training I go and lurk in the corridors of the palace. 5 years and I keep exploring new rooms and places. I often wonder whether it has the end point or whether it is cursed in its endlessness. And even if it is, why and how is it even possible? What am I missing? What is it that I seem to have right under my nose but can't seem to see?

The queen accompanies me one day a week. She teaches me the history of her world, the history of the universe. Her attitude towards me is warm and kind, but whenever I look into her eyes, I see nothing but emptiness and the warmth that I am supposedly feel, dissipates and transforms into dark, cold sensation. By time I started showing her more affection and less hostility. I planned it very carefully so she won't suspect anything of me. Even after 5 years, I am keeping my distance from her. I'll give her enough affection to show I trust her, but not enough to make her feel otherwise. I want to build a strong relationship that will make her tell me everything, that will make me her right hand, so when the time comes, I'll find a way to Bea. But first, I must ensure she's going to be safe, that everyone is going to be safe. Whatever Raya plans, I feel that it's going to change everything as we know.

PS: It's been a while since I posted a new chapters. I always like to write chapter that comes from deep within. I know it might feel a bit slow, but I feel that it will make the outcome only better. At least I'm hoping for it. One can never know. Sooo, I hope you guys gonna enjoy it and I'm sending all of you lots of love. #savewarriornun 🌸❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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