The other world

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"Bea," I whispered. Though I won't get a response. I took a long breath and let my eyes open. Another dream with her.


"Welcome Ava. I was waiting for you. There is a lot we must do before it starts," the queen announced.

"Start of what?" I prompted. I got no response since then.

It's been two years since Reya found me and welcomed me at her palace. Her healers helped me to recover from my injuries. I don't remember much of the first 6 months. They said I was on and off, mostly off, except when I talked from my sleep, calling her name most of the time.

Reya has shown nothing but hospitality and yet I can't bring myself to feel at ease.  I needed to find my way back. Back to her. I needed to. A world  where she is not, feels empty and infinite. Like walking in the darkness that knows no ending.

"Be patient my child. Your time will come," the queen said. But for god's sake isn't 2 years being enough? She still haven't explained why she kept me alive with Halo in my back. Maybe she felt sorry for me? No, there's definitely more to it.

I tried finding my way back home, but no one here wants to tell me anything. They never tried stopping me as if they knew I won't succeed. So, I imagined what Beatrice would do. She would be smart about it. I needed to be smart about it. For her. For us. And that meant controlling my emotions and not get myself killed. Well, that should be easy-peasy, right?

Once I stopped protesting and I accepted the circumstances, Reya sent me a trainer. "Why the fuck does she want me to train?" I asked, but did not get an answer. I could have chosen a kinder approach, but honestly, I don't think it would change the outcome. How unexpected.

Well, training won't hurt me and I better be prepared for what's coming. Whatever that might be. This way I'll show her my "loyalty". I might even get close enough to find out how to get out this fucking place.

One way or another I'm coming, Bea.

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