The pain

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They say pain is inevitable and everything that feels unbearable at the moment, will fade away one day. However, they forgot to mention how hard it is to believe that.

Throughout my short life, I must admit, I have read thousands of stories about love. So many of them described love as something that eventually will bring you pain. But I don't think it's love that hurts. Love never hurt me. It was people that surrounded my innocent heart and made it think the world is only black and white. I believed them all and how could I not? I did not know better nor did I know that hurt people hurt. Until I met her. She showed me thousand shades of each color that I've never seen before. Playing in synchronicity not needing to compete which one's more beautiful. Each of them carry its meaning and value, a purpose to be in this dimension. A magical play that knows no judgment, no pain, no limitations.

As much as it hurt, I can't blame them for being blind. I won't blame them for being ignorant either. It's easy, isn't it? Being what world wants you to be and blame everyone else for it. I learned to shield my heart in this sick world because that was the only way I could survive. But I don't want to keep surviving. I want to live it. Ava opened the doors that even I did not know of. And yet, now, at this moment, I need to close them again to survive this pain that feels so excruciating until the day, she comes back to my arms.


"I know you don't trust him, but you can feel it too. He speaks the truth. Reya's coming." I looked at Jillian trying to convince her to let Kristian help.

"He betrayed me!" Her eyebrow furrowed filling the room with the skepticism. I could not blame her. I had my doubts too. Perhaps, I was blinded by my love. Still, it's worth a shot.

"I know. But we must put aside our pride. He was Adriel's right hand and as much as I hate to admit it, he knows much more than us. At least,at this moment...He can help us to open the portal. I know it"

She took a deep breath in before she replied. "Fine... but that doesn't mean I'll trust him. One mistake! One mistake and I'm done with him. I'm only doing this for Michael."

"Thank you, Jillian." I admired Jillian for her strength. She build the arc in hope her only son will live , but he fell victim to the war that was never supposed to touch him. I wanted to tell her how sorry I am for Michael. But I know she doesn't need the empathy. She needs her son to be alive. And.... he won't. So the only thing she can try, is to finish what he started. End this war, so no other innocent being has to die.


"Did you find her?" I asked.

"Yes, she's in Rome." Camilla replied firmly. Since we won over Adriel, the atmosphere in the works changed. We all did. Everyone was doing their best to deal with their pain. Camilla was trying to be there for all of us, but I can also see the pain behind her eyes. It's admirable how beautifully she express it. Deep down, I wished I could be able to put it all out. Instead, I keep burying it deeper and deeper.

"Have you found out what she's doing there?"

"Not yet, I'm keeping my eyes on her."

"Thank you, Camilla. Please say my greetings to Mother Superior. Talk to you later." Since... I've been distant. Not's just...I can't...I ...I don't know how. I am aware how harsh I can sometimes be. Camilla is always there for me and I hate when I'm giving her cold shoulder. Sometimes I just can't help it. She's my sister and I hope she knows I love her very much. But now I need to focus.

Lilith's been keeping low profile since the downfall of Adriel. She knew something. And I needed to know it all. The more I find out the closer I can get to Ava.

Well, I believe, I have some business to attend in Rome.

PS; Sorry guys for not posting for quite some time. I've been sick for past week and I'm always trying to bring the best out of this story. So, I did not want to write something just because. Hope you'll find it still enjoyable.

Ava & Beatrice ( Warrior Nun )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora