Hello Sister

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"Hello, sister." Lilith greeted me before I managed to reveal my presence.

"Lilith," I replied. She was standing in front of the fireplace wearing a long black leather tunic. Her skin was covered in dark scales, resembling dragon skin, or at least that's how I would imagine dragon skin to be.

"Long time no see." She said while turning around to face me. The apartment was situated in an old building from the 16th century and its beautiful and cozy atmosphere was undeniable. Although, Lilith's presence made it seem darker than it really was.

"Indeed. Quite a fancy place you got yourself." I pointed out.

"Ready to listen?" She asked with a smirk not paying attention to my comments.

Never ever I've been more ready to get what I needed. My posture tightened to show no weakness. This is no place to show weakness. "Always."

"Little do you know sister," I looked at her unable to react in time. "You, the one that never sought power, will be our compass to her." In a spark of seconds, she forcefully positioned her palms on my temples, digging the nails deep down my skin that send numbing pain throughout my whole body showing me images I've never seen. "You Beatrice have no idea how important your role is."

The day Halo chooses her, will be the day when the old world starts falling apart.
Love will chain her to two decisions. In the first one, she will get what she always wanted causing all of us to suffer. In the other one, she'll sacrifice the one she loves so the world can survive.

She let go of the grip and it took me a great amount of effort to keep my balance. "So my role is to die? That's all you had to say ?" I did not fear death. I was always ready to die for the cause. Though, somewhere in the back of my heart, I hoped for a future with Ava. I'd show her the whole world, the places she dreamed seeing and places that most of us have not even heard of. Eventually, we would move to a small hut in the countryside where no one would know us. We'd grow our own veggies, dance in the meadow and enjoy the freedom that we warned the hard way. But what Lily suggests, tore my dream apart. Perhaps, it's a lie, a made-up prophecy to manipulate human beings.
It might be one of Adriel's weird games that keeps going on even after he's dead.

"No. It is much greater. "
And her eyes fell on the old piece of paper laying down on the table. "The one that devoted her life to her will lead the chosen one to the new age. That is her purpose. Light cannot exist without darkness. Death is no less scary than life. And love cannot be recognized without suffering."

"Do you really trust the piece of paper that Adriel gave you ?" I mocked my sister if I can even call her that way.

"Adriel gave me nothing. He certainly opened my eyes to see the world as it is. He stole this from Raya and tried to hide it from everyone. I might look like a naive fool, but that can take people so far."

I was ready to answer. But sudden darkness swallowed all my senses and pulled me into the void. Afar I heard Ava's sweet voice.

"You know Bea, this was the happiest moment in my life."
I turned around confused of what was happening. I could hear myself answering her though it felt out of my control. Like an observer in my own body.
One more moment with her, that's all I ever wanted. I could never get enough of her presence, her eyes smile and her inner child reaching out to perceive every detail of this world. We all have a lot to learn from her, a person that experiences everything for the first time. It's so easy to fall into auto mode. Nothing matters, you do whatever you do, because you're supposed to do that.
No matter what was happening, she always found something to smile for. I've never felt more alive like when I was with her.
"You...what...Ava? You just went after Miguel." My other self turned around as if to prove the truth of her words. But there was no one there.

I remember the night when I got drunk for the first time and met Miguel in person. I was always watching him come, get a glass of water and talk to Ava. I've never liked his presence around her. One could call it jealousy, I call caution. However, this moment brings me no familiarity. Is this another dream?

Ava took a step closer. Merely inches separating us , I could not move. I did not want to move. There was no place better I would like to be more at.

"I came back." She smiled before saying more. "Oh Bea, it was always you. It always will be you. I won't give up. I can't."
Her words touched the very bottom of my heart. Some kind of reassurance that she's well and alive trying to get home. A bittersweet dream, giving me a small taste of her lost presence. One more step and I'll fall into her heaven again. Can I really? Let myself dream for a moment? Or will I wake up once I'll believe it's real?
At last, she leaned in and kissed me. And I was no longer an observer of this story. I stood there, let myself sink in deeper, holding her in my arms as I should have, never letting her go again. Our heartbeats sang us the forgotten song of lovers, thousands of colors surrounded us in a joy to show us what love is and in the end tears started flowing down my cheeks. All that pain, the burden, and the guilt that I carry with me could not be stopped. Here I am, kissing the one I long for, knowing all I have is now, knowing I will lose her again once I'll wake up.

"I miss you," I whispered when our lips parted still resting my forehead on hers. Ava lifted up her gaze, stunned as if she only now truly recognized me. I met her eyes, almost blinded by the flow of my tears and said the words that never reached her. "I love you too."

And then, the darkness followed and separated me from her again. My religion taught me that bad deeds will lead you to hell and good ones to heaven. How can I believe it, when I'm already in hell? Can it be worse than this? Isn't this life our hell? We already suffer so much, perhaps, hell is just an inevitable personal experience to get us to "true heaven." Maybe heaven can be reached on earth too, but our foolishness doesn't allow it to happen. Perhaps, I am a fool too.

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