Like mother, like daughter

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"Wake up, Ava! Wake up!" A long forgotten voice whispered in my ears. How could that be?Is my mind playing an another dirty game as she likes to do for the past few months?

"Wake up, Ava," the voice kept insisting no matter how much I tried ignoring it. It's been quite some time since I have thought of her. You know, when someone you love dies, some part of you dies with them. Even though I was, I can still recall the pain. The hardest part about burying your mother is not death itself. It's the fact that you will never ever see that person again. You will never hear your name being called nor you will seek the comfort of her hugs. If I shall be honest, I can barely remember her face. As much as I tried to keep her in my memories, by time they all faded away. And God, I blamed myself for it but in the end, I realized it's pointless and waste of the time. She was gone and I was here. Is this some kind of punishment for my actions? Or is Universe just mocking me? I couldn't ignore it forever, so might as well just find out what's going on.

"Mom? Is that you?" I asked unsure of the outcome. Perhaps, I'm still dreaming. No matter the circumstances, I could hear her speaking to me once again. "We don't have much time. You have to wake up!"

Wake up? Wake up from what? Why ghosts always need to talk in riddles. Why can't they just go straight to the point. It would save us all the trouble. "I don't understand. What are you doing here? How's this even possible? You're dead for over 12 years. Are you a ghost? I dead... again?" I asked at last and stayed silent to give her a space to answer my questions.

But she didn't. "There is no time to explain. You must find a way out, you must wake up." I was left hanging, not knowing what does it mean. It didn't matter. She was here and I felt the long-forgotten pain in my chest again. "I miss you, mom." I looked at her unable to say more.

"Oh my sweet child. Look how beautiful and strong you grew up to be. I'm so proud of you." She smiled at me before she continued talking. "I never wanted this life for you. I tried fighting the faith, but it found it's way to you."

What faith? What is she talking about? "I still don't understand, mom." I prompted hoping to finally hear the answers.

"My beautiful girl. I love you so much and I want you to know that I'm always by your side. Don't worry pumpkin, you'll understand in time, but for now, remember. Trust no one, Ava." She smiled at me and turned around to leave. Wait, no, this can't be it. "Mom?" I insisted. "Mom! I still don't know what you want me to do, what does it...." But before I could continue, her silhouette faded away and with her, all the answers I sought. Darkness flooded my mind and with that I woke up into a new day.

When I woke up, I could not stop thinking about my dream. I wondered if it was real or just a creation of my imagination.

Time here passes differently. I can't really explain it but I can feel how it influences my mind. Some days seem longer, others endless and there are days that feel like a snap of the fingers.  At the beginning, I was counting every minute that I was apart from Bea. But now? It's hard for me to keep track of time. As much as I hate to admit, I fear this realm and I hate the fact, what it is doing to me. The only thing that keeps me sane is her. Memories of her playing in my head to soothe every demon that tries to steal my stillness. In the end, I know they are as afraid as I am. 

"Lady Ava, the queen awaits your presence." A voice pulled me out my thoughts.

"I told you to call me only Ava." I snapped back.

"Well, Only Ava , the queen awaits you." soldier repeated with a sneering tone. You're probably wondering who's this soldier. As I told you before, once I accepted the circumstances of my situation, the queen sent a trainer. His name is. He is a loyal warrior of Reya, never questioning his queen, no matter how cruel his mission got. He's the best fighter this realm has. At least, that's what I have heard. Name mastered several martial arts and his teaching can be rather cruel sometimes. His round face, creamy skin and dark hair makes him look a bit older than me, but I wouldn't count on that. I never got from him his age, but based on how he speaks, I can assume he's generations old.

The queen hasn't talked to me for months. It took my by surprise when I heard she expects me.

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