The library

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"Beatrice?" Shaking, voices, what's happening? "Beatrice, wake up!" A concern reflects in Lilith's voice. The world keeps spinning.

"Are you okay?" She asked me not hiding her distress displayed on her face. My sister, the one that cared no matter how big of an ego she had. Below all the layers she wrapped herself with, hides a small kid that fights the world for approval. 

"Why do you care?" I snapped at her while trying to stand up. Perhaps, my answer was harsh, but I can't just forget what she has done. I blame her partially for losing Ava. If she didn't betray us and she was here by our side, so many lives could have been saved. But blame won't solve anything. We all do mistakes and I want to believe she's looking for redemption.

"I know you hate me. I don't blame you for that. We all are looking for the truth. The one I found saved me from my damnation. Believe it or not, understand it or not. Your path is not mine and mine is not yours. Perhaps things could have been done differently, but it doesn't matter now. The past is past, all we have is now and the future." Lilith paused for a moment, took a deep breath and looked straight into my eyes before she spoke again. "I still care for you, sister. You are my family and I know now better. I don't ask for your forgiveness, I know what I've done. However, I am asking for your help."

I reciprocated her gaze, searching for the truth of her words. When I first met her they were so empty and angry, carrying the burden of her family. Now, it seems they have never been more alive. A bittersweet truth I found how much it has cost her to find herself.

"Are you okay, Beatrice?" She interrupted slowly my thoughts before I could say something. I did not know if I was, nor I had a clue of what just happened. But this is not the time to show weakness. "I'm fine." A concern flashed through Lilith's face, though she did not ask more.

"There is a portal in our world." My sister announced. My heart stopped, my mind cleared, a spark of hope burst throughout my body. I did not have power to control my emotions, I'm sure Lilith could see right through me.

"Have you heard of Akashic records, sister?" Lilith asked me curiously. Of course I have heard of it. But my religion did not approve such nonsense.

"The mythical energetic library that supposedly contains infinite number of information about your soul, your past lives, other souls, universe etc.?" I replied doubtfully.

"Yes. A place of truth they call it. You know Beatrice, when you open your mind, you find endless possibilities in this world. Variety of cultures and beliefs, stories that our human brains can barely comprehend, if they even can. Theosophy is a philosophy that has roots in ancient religions. It believes in oneness - we all come from the same essence, you are me, I am you, a universe experiencing itself. I found it beautiful. Nothing can affect mine life without effecting someone else's. We all are connected. A big collective consciousness. There are many ancient myths and beliefs in theosophy that you can come upon. That's how I first found out about Akashic records. A nonsense some call it. But what if not? Imagine an infinite source of information about past, presence and future. A source of truth. I tried to find the Akashic library but my current state is not compatible to let me. I wanted to show you a tangible proof. I guess fate has other plans. I realized I need your help. You are the one that's gonna find it. As cliché as it sounds, it's written in the stars, sister."

A place with all the answers. The answers of how to find Ava. Few months ago, if someone told me you'll fight an angel, you'll win and loose at the same time, I'd think it's bullshit. But here we are, fighting an invincible fight, reading prophecies and looking for a place that doesn't exist. I'm out of options, yet full of hope. "You want me to believe in an invincible library to the human eye, the place that my religion would call heretical?"

"Yes, pretty much yes." Lilith says.

I looked out if the window hoping for the rights words to slip on my tongue. "Okay." I sighed. "This place of yours is an intangible space that you can reach through meditations or a prayer. How do you want me to find it?"

"You said it yourself. Ask and you shall receive... Borobudur, a place located in Indonesia, was constructed as a three dimensional mandala.  Regardless of your faith, this place carries an incredibly strong divine energy that one can not put into words. It is said people that go there come back enlightened. Their consciousness expands and allows them to understand their life purpose. We shall see how true are the rumors."

"You want me to act based on the rumors?" I snapped. "I don't have time to waste on exotic vacations."

"Do you have a better idea?" Lilith looks at me annoyed, though she carefully chooses if to say more or not.

I didn't. I'm so desperate, I'd try anything. Anything that lights up my hope keeps me sane from this madness.
"I hope I'm not making a mistake by trusting you. One wrong move, Lilith and I'll finish you myself." The anger that occupied the spaces of my body and mind was scary. I always find calmness the best tool of being successful. Clear mind, clear path. But this... this anger... nothing I have ever experienced. I myself wasn't sure what I'm capable of. As much as I hated it, I did not resist it.

Lilith grinned at me, turned towards fireplace once again and put her hands behind her back. After a moment of silence she turned her head to the side and smiled. "Oh, I almost forgot. I found us a reinforcement."

My face turned into a frown. "You know I don't like surprises."

"Beatrice." A voice announces itself from behind. "Impossible." I say confused and turn around to see the ghost myself. "Mary?"

"I missed you too."

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