The plan

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"Ava!" I jumped out of the bed screaming her name still half asleep. I looked at my hands and surrounding, confused of where I am and what just happened. It took me a while to realize I'm in my room. No meadow, no wild flowers, no wind whipping my face, no Ava.

I sighed and sat down to absorb all the feelings that were bursting within me. It seemed so real! I felt her. I felt her touch, her heartbeat, I smelled her scent and heard her voice. I was holding her so sure of never letting her go again. But here we are. It was just a dream. A very real dream that kept occurring to me every night since the downfall of Adriel.

It's been few days and I still haven't heard any news from Jillian. She was kind enough to offer her help of making the portal work and after me leaving the OCS to find Ava, Jillian let me stay at her place. It was a perfect opportunity for me to keep an eye on her and the progress. It's the only way I can get Ava out and I will do anything to make it work.

I took myself to pay her a visit.


"Jillian we must do something. You don't understand, the holy war is coming and we must be prepared."

"How dare you to come up to my house and ask something of me, after what you've done, Christian? I trusted you and you let your fanaticism to blind your sight. And for what? Your angel that tried to enslave millions of people? Your divine creature that died like a coward?! I'm done with you and you should be grateful for not ending up in the jail."

"You don't get it. They will come. And your denial won't change it. We must be prepared. Adriel was trying to save us. But now we have to find a new way. The holy war is coming Jillian, whether you like it or not. It has already started. The world has no idea of what's coming for us. Our technology is the key to survive it, to win it."

"Our technology? Our technology? You piece of ****! It's my company, my technology, my money and you are no longer part of it. You were my family, you know. And you betrayed me. Now leave! "

"But Jillian..."

"I said leave!"

That was the last thing I've heard Jillian say before I revealed my presence. I stood behind the corner for a while to listen to their conversation. No matter how much I hated that guy, he was Adriel's right hand and I am very well aware that he could know more. I didn't know what to think of the previously mentioned Holy war, but one thing I know for sure. Christian's fear in his eyes was real. And that worried me.

"Jillian?" I asked piercing my eyes on Christian,  "Is everything okay?"
"Yes, it is" she looked at Christian one more time, signalizing him to leave or take the consequences of staying. He stopped by me giving me a supplicant glance:" Be prepared. They are coming."
Then he left.

I stayed silent for a moment unable to bring myself to talk.
"What did he want?" I spoke up eventually. "Nothing. Just another of his fanatical talks," she replied. As much as I wanted to believe that, his words were troubling me. Both Lilith and him said the same thing. And yes, maybe they were both brainwashed by Adriel , but what if they are onto something.

"Any progress with the portal?" I asked breaking the silence.

" I'm sorry Beatrice. You know I'm trying but it requires time," she answered with kindness knowing how much I need to find her.

"That's what I'm afraid of. It's days for us, but for Ava? It can be months, years.  I know your pain Jillian, and I hope you know I wouldn't suggest it, but Christian, he could know something that we don't. He was Adriel's right hand and together they combined magic and science. Maybe...."

"No!" She interrupted my sentence giving me a clear sign not to talk about it again.

I looked at the portal and back at her: " I'm sorry, I know. But please, give it a thought."
My words ended our conversation and I head back to my room to prepare. I know Jillian doesn't want anything to do with Christian, but I have few questions and it's not going to be pleasant.

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