Witch X Vampire Part 1

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This was requested by inuama_senju


"Papa, can I ask you something"? I asked while he changed my new baby brother and sister's diapers. "Of course, you can talk to me about anything". "How did you know dad was your mate"?

"Well for me I found myself always wanting to be around him. He was the only vampire I felt safe around. He always knew how I was feeling and knew what to do to make me feel better.

It felt like he was the only one that understood me. I could talk to him about absolutely anything and he'd listen". He said smiling. "The feeling I could get from him was warm, welcoming and comforting.

It fells like I'm constantly being surrounded by a gentle inferno". "I see". "Why are you asking all of a sudden"? "I think my mates been born". "I see, so your eight  years older than them".

"No four, I don't know how to explain it but I could feel him as soon as he was born". "I see". He said as he finshed putting Sasuke snd Mashi into a different set of clothes. He motioned me to follow him and I did.

He took me to the throne room where one of our family portraits was. "Whenever you do find your mate I want you to protect them now matter what. I want you to be there safe place to run to when things are hard. Think you can do that for me Itachi"?

"Of course papa".

I'll protect him no matter what


"Deidara! Get up now"! My mom yelled from downstairs. I jolted awake and immediately looked at the alarm clock on my nightstand that read eight o five. It was no wonder my mom was yelling at me, I was supposed to be up since five.

I quickly got out of bed and used my magic to help me get ready. I put on a short sleeve blue shirt with white shorts while I used my magic to make my hairbrush and comb do my hair for me. I quickly headed downstairs afterwards and was greeted with a slap to the face by my mom.

"What the hell took you so long!? You know you're supposed to be up and have breakfast ready for me and your father! The two of us work all day to provide for you and your younger siblings this is the least you could do for us"!

"I I'm sorry mom, I overslept". "What the hell were you doing that caused you to over sleep"!? "Ino had a tummy ache so I was taking care of her". "It was probably from you not feeding her like you were supposed to"! She said slapping me again, this time I fell to the ground.

"I didn't, I swear". "Just get into the kitchen and do what you're supposed to". "Yes ma'am". I picked myself up and headed into the kitchen to start on breakfast. I gathered everything out of the fridge and used my magic to cook breakfast on the stove while I made mom and dad their coffee.

I was still tired from last night so my spells weren't working as fast as they normally would but I was still able to manage. I fixed their coffee the way they liked it and set it on the table along with their plate of food.

They sat at the table and ate while I made myself a bowel of cereal and used my magic to fix Naruto and Ino their morning bottles, they would be up soon. "Don't forget to pay the babysitter after you get home". My dad said. "Yes sir".

"Make sure you behave as well. The last thing your father and I need to worry about is cleaning up after you". My mom said. "Yes ma'am".

I didn't go to regular school. I was home schooled so my parents could keep a better eye on me. The babysitter took care of my younger siblings while I attended my classes and if I had to go out to get things for the house she would watch them longer.

She didn't know about the abuse given to me, no one did. Mom and dad always act like the perfect parents in front of everyone. They have no idea what I have to go through daily.

If they did they wouldn't think so highly of them but I also wouldn't be with Naruto and Ino, CPS would separate the three of us. I can't allow that to happen ever. After school was done for the day I used my magic to make a clone of myself and snuck out.

After leaving the house I headed straight for the park. I wasn't worried about mom and dad finding out since they were at work. I didn't really know what to do since I didn't have any friends not that anyone would want to be my friend anyway.

I'm a nobody, there's nothing special about me. Yes I can do magic but their are a bunch of other wizard kids who are better at it then me. "Watch out"! Someone yelled. The next thing I knew I was being held close to someone as they protected me from getting hit.

I didn't know who this person was but I instantly felt safe and warm. "Are you ok"? A gentle voice asked. The person pulled away from me a little and that's when I noticed he was a older boy with longish black hair and kind eyes.

"Yeah, thank you". "You're welcome". He said letting me go. "Sorry about grabbing you all of a sudden I just reacted when I saw that football flying towards you". I looked over and saw a group of kids tossing a football to each other.

"Thank you for that I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings". "No problem, I'm Itachi by the way". "Deidara". "It's nice to meet you Deidara". His smile was gentle. "Are you here by yourself? Where are your parents"?

"They're not here but it's ok, I always come here by myself". "How old are you"? "Four". He kneeled to my level. "You are aware that's not ok right? Anything can happen to you".

Is it normal to be worried about someone you just met?

"It's ok, I can take care of myself, I'm a witch". "Oh I see". "Mhm". "Have you learned any spells yet"? "Yeah wanna see"? "Mhm". I moved my hands and made sparkles appear in thin air. I then gently blew on them and made them land in his hair decorating it.

"That's amazing". He said giving me a closed eye smile.

He's the first one to ever compliment me on my magic

"You know, I was just about to go and get some ice cream. Wanna come with"? "Sure thing". I said smiling. "Is it ok if I hold your hand so you can keep up with me"? "Mhm". He stood up and I grabbed ahold of his hand and held onto it as he walked over to the nearest ice cream shop.

When we got there he ordered a cup of cookies and cream for him and a cup of peanut butter cup for me. We then left and spent the rest of the afternoon together.

He was the first friend I ever made.

Word Count. 1232

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