The Runaway Witch Part 3

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8:05 Papa: Where are you Deidara? Why aren't you answering your phone?

8:20 am Papa: What did I do wrong? Whatever it is I'm sorry

9:00 am Papa: Please talk to me, baby. I'm worried about you

9:30 am Papa: Were you getting bullied in school, is that it?

10:00 am: Please tell me you at least ate something last night and this morning.

10:39 am Dad: Deidara, listen to me, please. I have no idea why you decided you had to do this without talking to papa and me first but just know that neither of us are upset with you. We love you more than anything in this world. We love you more than we love ourselves.

There's a lot I want to tell you but I don't want to do it over the phone or text. I don't know if you're getting our messages but if you are please take the time you need to figure out what it is you need to figure out. I hope you do reach out to us obviously but I know you'll need time. Just know that we'll be here whenever you are ready. Naruto and Ino say hi btw

I couldn't take it. I broke down crying as soon as I was done reading all of them

When nighttime came I hopped into a shower, washed my hair, and dressed myself into a net t-shirt, blue jeans, and knee-high boots with a square heel at the bottom. I dusted my face with powder and did a quick eyeliner wing on my eye before heading out to the nearest bar I could find.

I had to get my mind off of what happened this morning. I knew they would try and contact me right away but I just couldn't face the fact that I was hurting them. I could see papa's worried face in my mind as I read his messages. Images of him crying followed soon after and it hurt.

I know it's my fault but I just can't handle that right now. I know I need to talk to them but I can't. I don't know if I ever can. Instead, I headed to the bar I knew he would be at and made my way inside.

I knew he was in town and also knew he liked to go to the local bars in the area due to all his Instagram posts. Last week he posted a message saying he would be here. I had lived in Konoha my entire life but moved to Mystic Village after leaving home.

It was far from everything I knew but that's exactly what I needed. I needed to make a name for myself. Here no one knew I was Kuzu and Minato's son. Here I was just Deidara. Here I could start over.

What I didn't expect was for him to be performing. Onstage he wore a black shirt with the first two buttons undone, white jeans with a black belt, and his signature red and black Air Jordans with a rolax on his right wrist.

I looked over at him before making my way over to the bar area and sitting down with my sketchbook in front of me. "Vodka soda please". I slid the bartender the fake I'd Sasori had made for me when I was sixteen. He looked at it and nodded before grabbing a glass.

I was nowhere near twenty-one but needed something to help me with the pain for a bit. I wasn't an idiot though, I knew my powers would never be able to make a good fake I'd that's why I had a powerful wizard like Sasori make it for me.

I don't use it often either, only when I'm in mental discomfort. I opened and turned my book to the sketch I was currently working on and listened as Itachi started another song.

From underneath the trees
We watch the sky
Confusing stars for satellites
I never dreamed that you'd be mine
But here we are, we're here tonight

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