Witch X Vampire Part 3

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Fifteen years later


It's been fifteen years since I met Itachi. A lot has happened during these fifteen years. I no longer live with my parents and neither do my younger siblings. I have my own apartment and my parents gave me custody of both Naruto and Ino.

I have to pay them child support but I don't mind. All I care about is Naruto and Ino being taken care of. They love living here with me, I've never seen them happier. I've also managed to attend a regular college and get a job selling paintings part-time.

I don't make much right now but that'll all change once I perfect my art style and get better at it. It's like Itachi says, I just need to have patience and keep working hard.

Itachi: What's up?

Deidara: Nothing much. Why?

Itachi: Aren't best friends supposed to check in with each other daily😉

Deidara: They are, at least that's the case for us😄

Itachi: Are you working at the studio today?

Deidara: Mhm, I'm heading there after my classes are over. Which reminds me can you help me study for my history class?

Itachi: Sure thing. Is that the only subject you need help with?

Deidara: Science too.

Itachi: Just let me know what time works best for you.

Deidara: Thank you Ita, I appreciate it

Itachi: No problem, I can also pick up Naruto and Ino after school if you want.

Deidara: Thank you

I never told Itachi about the mental and physical abuse I endured at the hands of my parents. All I told him was that I was able to move out early and that my parents allowed my younger brother and sister to live with me.

There's no need for him to ever know about that. I'm fine now. Naruto and Ino are also fine. The three of us are safe and happy. There's no need for him to ever know.

"Morning Deidara"! Naruto and Ino said as they made their way into my room hugging me. "Morning you two. Did you sleep well"? "Mhm". They said in unison. "That's good, come on I'll make breakfast ". I headed downstairs with them and made the three of us pancakes topped with berries and bacon on the side.

After breakfast was over I got them both dressed and ready for school then loaded them into my car and drove them there. "Itachi will be here to pick you up when schools over, I have to work". "Ok dei". They hugged me, got out the car, and headed inside.

School was uneventful for the most part. I attended all my classes and did my best to pay attention but like always history and science gave me the most trouble. I don't know if it was me or that I just had bad teachers but when it came to those two subjects I always struggled.

I'm just glad I don't have to worry about getting hit because of it anymore. "Don't forget, you all have a test next week. Study hard". My science teacher said as class ended. Thankfully this was my last class of the day.

I packed my bag making sure I had everything and stood to leave but was stopped. "Deidara". "Yes Ms. Tsunade"? "You are aware that you can't fail this next exam right"? "Yes ma'am I am". "Good, I would hate for you to have to be kicked out during your first year".

"I promise I'm studying as hard as I can". I gripped the handle to my bag, walked out and headed to my car. Once inside I allowed the tears I was holding back to fall.

Why can't anyone see that I'm trying my best?

Mom: We need to talk

Deidara: I'm on my way to work right now

Mom: I don't give a dam what you're doing. Call them and tell them you're going to be a little late. Your father and I need to talk to you about something important or do you want us to cancel our arrangement.,

Deidara: There's no need for that. I'll be there

Mom: That's what I thought. We'll see you soon.

I let out a sigh, texted my job and made my way over to my parent's house.

When I arrived there I was surprised to see a car I've never seen before parked next to my parent's cars. I parked my car in the front since I wouldn't be here long and made my way inside. "Mom, dad, I'm here". "We're in the living room".

I made my way over to them and immediately took notice to the red head sitting next to my parents on the couch. He had light skin with greyish brown eyes. "Thank you for coming Deidara, your mother and I know you have to be to work soon so we won't keep you here too long". My dad said giving me a closed eye smile.

"Please have a seat dear". My mom said smiling as she motioned to the couch in front of them. I felt a chill run down my spine at that sight and did my best to make sure none of them noticed. I did as asked and sat across from them.

The redhead looked at me smiling and I immediately got a bad feeling. "Deidara this is Sasori, he's the son of one of your mother and I's friends". My dad said. "It's nice to finally meet you Deidara, I've heard nothing but good things about you". "It's nice to meet you as well Sasori".

I'm really not likening this

"As you know according to our laws all witches and wizards are to be married before they turn eighteen. This is so they can start having children so our species can continue to grow. Your mother and I allowed you the opportunity to look for someone on your own but you haven't.

We had no choice but to take matters into our own hands and pick someone for you, this is where Sasori comes in. The two of you are going to be married by the end of the year".

Nothing and I mean nothing could have prepared me for this.

"Are you kidding me!? I don't even live with you anymore!? I have my own apartment! I take care of myself, Naruto and Ino just fine! I don't need either of you"! "Deidara there's no need to yell, your parents are just looking out for your best interest. They care about you".

He has some nerve

"With all due respect you know nothing about me. This is the first time either of us are meeting. You're a stranger to me". "That can all easily change. Once we start going on dates and getting closer to each other I'm sure you'll start to fall in love with me".

"This is my life we're talking about here. No one gets a say on who I get to be with but me". "Deidara, you are aware how easy it would be for your father and I to take back Naruto and Ino right"? Mom asked.

My whole face went white. I knew she was right. My parents are powerful people. They can do whatever they want and get away with it. All I did was lower my head.

"That's what I thought. Now I think it's best you get to work so you can make your child support payment on time for next month and one more thing, Sasori will be moving into your apartment tonight after you get off".

He's not the one I'm in love with though

Word Count. 1275

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