The Runaway Witch Part 1

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This was requested by my best friend Aki-Senju_goddes


Come on. Come on manifest

I thought to myself as I focused looking at my hand. For the past hour, I had been trying to form a ball of light. It was one of the assignments I had from my tutor at the academy and had to get done by tomorrow for my grade but so far nothing has managed to come out.

I could feel my powers. I knew how to use them but no matter how hard I tried it never worked. I couldn't get so much as a flicker to come out. I, the son of two of the most powerful wizards in the world couldn't manage the simplest of spells. I was useless, pathetic.

I put more effort into the spell and became hopeful as a small blue ball started to form in my hand but was thrown into the wall soon after from the kickback of the spell.

Another fail

"How's school going you three". Papa asked me and my younger twin siblings as the five of us ate dinner together. "Good, I finally got Sasuke to practice more with me. I know he's a vampire but it's always good to practice with someone". Sasuke was a kid in his class that he was obsessed with making friends with.

"That's right, your papa and I would practice with each other all the time when we were younger". Dad said. "We still do". Papa added taking a bite of his steak. "Sakura's still trying to compete with me in everything". Ino said which caused Naruto to grimace.

I didn't blame him, since he started going to school Sakura had always given him a hard time but since Ino was friends with her he makes himself put up with it. "I see. What about you Deidara"? Papa asked. I looked down at my plate, leisurely playing with my Pease before popping one into my mouth at a time and chewing slowly.

"Everything's fine". I lied. "You have a current project right? Need any help"? Dad asked. "No sir". I lied again. I didn't want to disappoint either of them. "Let me know when it's finished, I'd love to see it". "We both would". I nodded. "Yes, sirs".

I hate this

"Are you ok Aniki"? Naruto asked. I smiled at him. "Yeah, just thinking Is all".

Me: I have no idea what I'm going to do. I don't want to disappoint either of them but nothing I'm doing is working.

I was on the phone with one of my best friends. He was older than me but I didn't care. Since I was a kid he has always looked out for me. He's a wizard like my dad's and has tried to help me the best he can but it's useless. I'm still a failure

Best Friend: Why not just tell your dads already? They'll understand, they'll want to help you

Me: I know they will but I don't want my failures to ruin their reputations. They've worked so hard for everything they have. I don't want it all to be taken away because of me.

Best Friend: Deidara

Me: I can't stay. It'll only ruin things

My voice cracked.

Best Friend: What does that mean

I said nothing.

Best Friend: Deidara!

Me: I have to go Sasori............thanks for everything

I hung up, packed my things, left my dads a note, and left while everyone was asleep

Word Count: 583

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