Your My Son Part 3

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Five years later


"Daddy, can we go play at the Park today"? I did my best to try and sit still for him while he brushed my hair. "Hm, I do have the day off so sure but your little brother and sister are going to have to come along as well". "That's fine with me". I smiled. He smiled back.

When he was done I followed and watched as he dressed my baby brother and sister while they slept. Naruto he dressed in a fox shirt with blue pants and Ino had a sunflower dress put on her.

While they slept he put them in their baby carriers while I packed the baby bag for him. I made sure they had their diapers, pacifiers, whips, and extra clothes. I had asked Dad to teach me how to pack their bag so I would be able to help him with them.

He's the Hokage so I wanted to help in any way I could. I also packed my pencils, notebook, and colors into my bag. "Ready to go kiddo"? I smiled as he ruffled my hair. "Mhm"!

"Make sure you stay where I can see you"! Dad yelled out as I ran off to play. I turned back smiling at him and went to the closest tree I could find. I took out my notebook along with my colored pencils and started drawing.

I smiled to myself as I drew my little brother and sister, crows, bunnies, cats, puppies, caterpillars, random symbols. People, hearts, flowers, and anything else I could think of.

My head stayed glued to my book the entire time so I had no idea a ball was coming towards me or that a boy was running towards me to try and stop it. It wasn't until he jumped over me catching the ball and rolled a little that I did notice.

"Are you ok"? I asked extremely worried. He had black hair that was tied into a little ponytail and wore a red shirt with black pants. "Yeah, I didn't hurt you did I"? I shook my head. "That's good". He sat up holding the ball. "I'm Itachi by the way".

I smiled. "I'm Deidara". "Did you draw all of that"? I looked back and noticed he was looking at my sketchbook. "Mhm, Daddy bought me my first book when I was three. This is my sixth one I've gotten". "Whoa". I giggled.

He went quiet for a bit. "Do you maybe wanna play together. You can show me how good you are". "Mhm"! The two of us laid on the ground together and I let him watch as I drew the first thing that popped in my head.

After I finished one or two pages we went to the swings. I laughed happily as he pushed me higher and higher. We then went and played in the sandbox together. I switched between drawing and writing things in the sand with my fingers.

Itachi just played in the sand with his finger. He made a few drawings of hearts and stars but that was about it. I wasn't expecting to make a friend today but I'm really glad I did.

"Do you come to the park often"? He asked. "Only when daddy's not busy, he's the Hokage". "Is it just you and your dad"? I shook my head. "I have two younger siblings and my mom but my moms always busy". "Oh". "Mhm. How many silvbimgs do you have"?

"Four older brothers and two younger siblings. I also have two dads". "Cool"! He smiled. "Itachi". "Hm"? "Are we friends now"? He smiled. "Of course". I smiled back.

"Did you enjoy today"? Daddy asked as he tucked me into bed. After the park, the four of us went for ice cream. I got mango while daddy got Rocky Road. We then came home and I helped him with dinner, the twins and I watched cartoons until it was time for bed.

"Mhm, I made a friend today". "I saw. You met one of Madara's boys". "You know his parents"? "Everyone knows his parents. His parents are two of six founders of the village".

"That's so cool"! He chuckled. "I'm sure the two of you will be great friends. I love you". "I love you too daddy". He kissed my head before turning out the light.

Word Count: 731

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