You're My Son Part 2

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"How are you feeling"? Kuzu asked softly as we laid curled up in bed together. "Sore but extremely happy". He kissed my head. "That's good. Any plans today"? Not that I know of, can we please just stay in bed like this all day"?

"Hm as much as I would love that I can't, family stuff but I'm not sure if I'll go". "You never talk to me about them. Did they treat you badly"? My head was on his shoulder while my hand rested on his chest. "My parents are wonderful but I can't say the same for my twin sister Kushina".

"Wanna talk about it"? He let out a sigh before holding me closer to him. "Since we were young she's always been in competition with me. I don't know why but she's always thought it necessary to be better than me in everything.

If I were praised by a teacher for a project we were assigned she'd work harder to make her next project stand out more than mine. I always made straight A's so she wasn't really able to compete with me there but what bothered me the most is when she started affecting my social life with her bs.

It was never true but she would always tell my friends that I would mistreat her at home by yelling at her, calling her names, making her do my chores, and lying on her to our parents.

If she wasn't going after my friends it was my boyfriends. Each one I had she would always take them from me. I always told them to watch out for her but they never listened, their excuse being she's too sweet to do something that awful but each time it happened. I'm just glad my parents never believed her lies about me".

Without thinking I climbed on top of him and held him. "Please believe me when I say I'll never do that to you. Your the only one I want. I love you so much Kuzu". He kissed my head. "I love you too Mina, don't worry I know you're different from them".

We had spent the whole morning in bed together. We fell back to sleep a few times but spent most of the time watching one of our favorite shows on Netflix. It wasn't until early afternoon that things started to turn bad. Kuzu had received a text from his parents saying they wanted to see me.

"Did you tell them about us"? I asked holding his shoulders from behind. "No, I only told Kushina that I had a new boyfriend because she kept bugging me. I didn't tell her anything about you but it's obvious she still felt the need to tell our parents".

"We don't have to go if you don't want to"? I placed my chin on his shoulder. "I wish we could stay home but they'll eventually find a way to contact you and bombard you with messages".

"Two hours, we'll stay for just two hours". "Thank you, love". He took my hand and squeezed it. I smiled letting him.

Once fully dressed we headed to his parent's house. I was dressed in a plain green shirt with white pants while he wore a dark green shirt with black pants. His family home was a medium-sized brick home with a gravel road.

There was a jeep in the driveway along with a SUV and a convertible. We made our way inside and I followed behind as he led me to the living room that had a leather couch set, bookshelf, stereo speakers, coffee table, hardwood floors, and a plasma screen mounted on the wall.

We sat on one of the long couches while his parents sat across from us and his sister next to us. Cups of tea were placed on the coffee table in front of us. Kuzu and I both took ours but I held mine. "Mom, Dad this is Minato". he took a sip of his right away. "Minato this is my mother Hana, father Liam and sister Kushina". "It's nice to meet you Minato". His mother said.

"You as well ma'am". "How long have you and our son been dating"? Dad asked. "Almost a year. He makes me externally happy". Kuzu smiled. "How did you meet"? "We met at school. I was walking to class and he helped me carry my bags".

Kuzu started to cough alarming me but when I turned to him he brushed it off. "Yes, he was a complete gentleman". "What are you studying"? His sister asked. "Politics, my dream is to be Hokage one day". "Boring". Kushina exaggerated. "That's a wonderful dream to have". His mother smiled."What if you don't become Hokage"? His father asked.

"Then I hope to get a job being the Hokages advisor or at least doing something within the office tower".
"You dream big, your parents must be proud". His mother said. "Thank you, ma'am, I'm sure they're both smiling down on me from Heaven". I smiled. "My apologies, I had no idea". "It's ok, there's no way you could. I'm just thankful I have Kuzu".

As soon as the words left my lips I felt him harshly grab my arm. I quickly turned to him and was shocked to see him clenching at his chest and gasping for air. "Someone call an ambulance"! I shouted as I rushed to get him down on the floor.

His grip was tight on my shirt as he looked into my eyes scared. "It's ok, I'm right here. I'm not going to leave you. Stay strong, the ambulance will be here soon". I did my best to keep my voice as steady as possible. The last thing I wanted to do was worry him anymore.

A week. My boyfriend has been in a coma for a week now with zero signs of waking up soon. The doctors say his comatose was caused by a type of poison but they can't figure out what kind and have no idea when he could have taken it. I was with him all the time so I know he didn't eat or drink anything weird.

I just want him to wake up. To make matters worse I found out I'm pregnant with his child. His family found out the same day I did so there's no way I could hide it from them for a couple of weeks. I didn't even have time to process the information before Kushina started bombarding me with questions.

"I just wanna go home. I wanna lay in our bed and have you hold me. I wanna fall asleep to the sound of your heartbeat and hear you say you love me". All I could hear was the sound of his heart monitor beeping letting me know he was still alive.

I took his hand in mine, brought it up to my lips, and gently kissed the back of it. "I love you so much, please never forget that. I'll be here every day right by your side. I promise the first thing you'll see when you wake up is me. I know your resting right now but I really need to see you open your eyes. I need to know you're ok".

"That's something that's not going to happen I'm afraid". Kushina said walking through the door. I turned to look at her completely confused. "What do you mean, he's my boyfriend of course I'm going to be here".

"No, you aren't, Mom and Dad put me in charge of everything since they can't handle it. Since the two of you aren't married I can legally kick you out of his room but I'll reason with you. If you promise to marry me instead I'll make sure the doctors keep him on life support.

You'll be able to keep your baby but they'll have to call me mom and we'll eventually have to have one of our own to make things fair oh and before you decline I know you don't have the money to take over his medical bills on your own".

I lowered my head. "I wanna still be able to see him". "No". "Our child then. They deserve to know who their dad is". "Your their dad and I'm their mom". "Why me"? "Why not you"?

I'm sorry Kuzu

Word Count: 1398

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