You're My Son Part 4

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Three years later


"Deidara, get down here now"! My mother yelled from downstairs. I immediately ran downstairs to see what the matter was and was met with a pissed-off face. "Where the hell were you"? "Upstairs doing homework". It was the weekend so I wanted to get it done as soon as possible.

"Why weren't you watching your brother and sister"!? She asked pointing to Naruto and Ino who were watching cartoons. "They knew where I was and my door was opened so I could hear them call for me". She slapped me.

"Why the hell didn't you feed them"!? I held my cheek. "I was going to after my homework was done. I told them that". "Their needs come before yours! They're your younger siblings it's your job to help take care of them! Their only three"! "Yes, ma'am". I said looking down.

"Get your ass in the kitchen and fix them something to eat now"! I nodded and made my way into the kitchen.

Dad had came home during lunch allowing me the chance to go out and play. I ran straight to the forest to play. When I found an open enough space I took my bag and got out a small amount of clay. I molded it into a bird and infused my chakra into it to make it fly.

I smiled as it flew out of my hand and took off into the sky.  When I was six my dad upgraded me from crayons to clay. My first clay figurine was of a bunny. When he saw I was good at making things he thought me how to infuse my chakra into them.

I took out more clay and this time made a cat and a dragon. I watched as the cat ran around on the ground while the dragon and the bird flew into the air together. I loved watching my creations come to life. I was amazed that I actually had the ability to make things like this.

I felt proud of them and started to think of other things I could make and if it were possible to make them bigger and possibly use them to attack. While thinking this I didn't notice things start to go wrong. I was snapped out of my daydreams when I noticed my dragon start to swell up, next came the bird then the cat.

I didn't know what was going on or how to stop them. The next thing I knew all three of them blew up in my face.


"Nii San, where are you going"? My little brother and sister asked as I got ready to leave. I looked back and smiled at them. "I'm heading into the forest to train". "Can we come with"!? They asked in unison. "I chuckled. "Not this time sorry but I'll make sure to bring you the next time I go, deal"? "Deal"! The three of us fist-bumped as I left.

I was in no hurry to get to the forest. I had my katana strapped to my back with my Kunis in their pouches. I had been slacking on my training for a while and wanted to get back on track. That was one of the main reasons I didn't let the twins come with me. I loved training them, I always had a blast when I did it but I needed to concentrate fully during this practice.

Lord Fourth had put me on a break from missions and it has almost been a month since my last training session. I had a good excuse for it considering I was helping my parents with the twins while they worked but not training was starting to affect me and I needed to fix it by getting back into my routine.

Once I made it to the forest and found a good spot to set up I kamuied the rest of my materials to me and was about to place a bullseye on a tree when I saw multiple explosions go off a few meters away from me.

Having a bad feeling I took off and ran straight to the area it came from. What I didn't expect was to see an unconscious Deidara laying on the grass. I immediately laid him straight onto his back to see what the damage was.

It was obvious to me he was too close to the explosion that had gone off. Small embers were on his face from the fire of the explosion and the fall had scrapped him up pretty bad. Thankfully he seemed to be breathing just fine on his own.

I used the medical ninjutsu Papa had thought me to scan his body for any internal bleeding or damage to his organs and sighed when I found none. "Deidara, Deidara can you hear me"?

He groaned as his eyes opened halfway. "Itachi"? "Yeah, it's me". He teared up throwing me off guard. The two of us had known each other for a while now and he's never cried from an injury.

"Please don't tell my mom, she'll try to take my clay away. I don't wanna stop being a ninja". "You don't have to worry, I won't tell anyone". He sat up drying his eyes with his arm. "I'm sorry I worried you".

"It's ok". I tried sensing for any enemy ninja but found none. "Dei, were you the one that set off that explosion"? He nodded his head. "Dad had given me some clay and from that, I learned how to make clay figures.

He then gave me the idea of combining it with my chakra and it worked........until it didn't. I don't know what went wrong, they were moving on their own then exploded out of nowhere". "I see. Has lord Fourth thought you chakra control yet"?

He lowered his head. "I'm a baka". He muttered. "It's fine your still learning. Tell you what, how about you and I train together"? His eyes light up. I helped him to his feet and we didn't head home until sunset.

Word Count: 1019

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