You're My Son Part 7

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All I could hear was the ticking sound of the clock and the scribbling sound of my pen as I worked diligently on my large stack of paperwork. If I wanted to I could use my speed to get my workload done faster but I didn't want to go home. Yes, I wanted to see my kids but I didn't want to see their mother.

My thoughts have been consumed with Kuzu lately and I didn't want to get into a fight with her. Yes, I wanted Deidara to know but there's a certain way I wanted to tell him.

I just need to figure out how to get access to you

"We need to talk". I looked up and saw Madara barge in. His sharingan wasn't activated but his eyes were stern. "Yes, what is it"? Madara was a close friend of mine and one of the leaders of the village. I owed it to him to hear him out.

"Kuzu Uzumaki, what's your relationship to him"?

How does he know about him?

I tried my best to remain calm. "He's my brother-in-law". He narrowed his eyes causing me to grip my pants leg. "Don't play me for a fool. He's at the hospital Hashirama's in charge of. He's seen his face so he knows Deidara looks like both you and him".

"He's his uncle, of course, he does". "Now you see I would normally believe that if it weren't for your wife. I know she's lying to Mikoto about you being abusive to her and not wanting her to see her comatose brother. She's also stated that you're in charge of his medical bills but I know that's not true so now do you finally want to tell me your side of everything"?

I lowered my head.

"Please let me be the one to tell Deidara"? "Of course". "Who else knows"? "Itachi knows of him. He's the reason I was able to find out the information I did on her".

I sniffed. "Sixteen years ago I was in a relationship with Kuzu. I'm not bi by any means but Kushina forced me into a marriage with her. Kuzu had told me all about how manuplitavie and toxic she is and to stay away from her.

I had every intention of doing that but when we went to visit his parents one day is when it happened. We were talking and drinking tea and the next thing I know he's gasping for air while I try to keep him calm. I thought his parents would be in charge of his medical care but Kushina took over for them.

I was just his boyfriend so I had no say in the matter. She told me the only way she would continue paying for his care is if I married her and gave her a child of our own. I don't care if she's cheating on me, I don't love her. I just want Kuzu to wake up".

"Her abuse accusations"? "Let's just say all three of our kids hate her and I never wanted to sleep with her. Despite that I do love my kids". "I don't doubt that for a second". "What now"? "I arrest her ass". He turned and left.

I need to go see my son


"So let me get this straight, moms, not my mom and my other dads been in a coma my entire life"? Dad had gotten off early so we could talk in private. We were currently in a cafe drinking matcha smoothies.

"Yes, I'm so sorry I never told you. I was just so scared your mother would do something to him causing you to lose him forever". He placed his hand on top of mine. "Is that why you married her"? I asked looking down. "It is. I don't regret Naruto and Ino at all but I was forced into a marriage with her.

If it were up to me I'd be married to your father instead. I had a necklace made for him that I wanted to give to him on his birthday but never got the chance"..................."Can I see him"? "You can but you'd have to sneak in. Your mother has forbidden me from seeing him".

"You're the Hokage, you can take over the bills". "She has majority access over everything". I stood up and left.

I headed to the only place I knew I'd feel safe. I made my way to his house, headed towards the back, and threw a rock at his window. A second later he opened it.


"Please let me up". I asked with my head down.

He threw a rope down for me and I climbed it into his bedroom. When I heard the window click shut is when I turned around and cried into his chest as I held onto him tight.


"I hate her! I hate her"! I wailed. "Hate who? Did someone hurt you". I cried. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. He said nothing as I cried my eyes out in front of him. My whole body felt weak and my throat hurt making it hard to breathe as I continued to cry. I tried to open my eyes but couldn't because of how much they burned.

The next thing I knew I was being lifted up and carried to his bed. He laid down with me on his chest gently stroking my hair.

"It hurts so much". He said nothing letting me talk. "I have a dad I know nothing about. My dad lied to me my entire life. I know it's not his fault but he still lied to me. They all did. I can't even go see him because of my mom that's not even my mom".

I cried more. He held me tighter.

"Let it out". He spoke softly. "Once you've calmed down I'll take you to see him". "P promise"? "I promise".

Word Count: 1001

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