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10:47 PM - MARCH 7th  

(This story takes place after the ending scene of Enola and Tewksbury in Enola Homles 2)

"How are the votes going?" Enola asked. 

She and Tewksbury were laying on the grass right in front of the gates of Basilweather, admiring the stars above. They had just arrived at the young lord's home from a carriage they hailed from London. Tewksbury turned to look at her. 

"What do you mean?" he asked. Enola faced him.

"Your votes. You know, whatever you do as a lord?"

Tewksbury still looked confused. Enola sighed.

"The time when you told me about how 'politics consumes you so constantly'?"

"Oh." Tewksbury smiled to himself as he set his gaze on the stars. "It's actually going well, a bit easier. Thanks for your help, of course."

"Hmm," Enola answered, looking at the stars again as well.  She cocked her head, a question in her mind. "About that ball... whose did you say it was from again?"

"The invitation I showed you, you mean?" Tewksbury asked. Enola nodded. 

The young man looked at Enola again, a flash of sadness in his eyes. "My father.  He always threw the party every year for a lord event. And... it is required that I must attend to take his place."

It was Enola's turn to look at the lord next to her. She took his hand in hers.

"So... can you come?" Tewksbury asked, lacing his fingers with hers. "I would feel much better if you were there."

Enola smiled. "Sure."

The young lord raised an eyebrow. "'Sure?' Since when do you agree to do something that isn't your way?"

Enola chuckled. "You clearly haven't spent enough time with me."

Tewksbury looked confused. "What does that mean?"

The lady detective laughed softly and sat up, focusing her gaze on the stars. 

"See that constellation?" Enola said, pointing to the cancer shape. "That's my sign."

"Is it?" Tewksbury asked as he sat up as well. He pointed to the Capricorn sign. "Then that is mine."

Enola's jaw dropped. "Really?"

"Yes," Tewksbury answered, confused. "Why?"

"Never mind," Enola said, admiring their constellations. 

"You know..." Tewksbury started. "Capricorn and Cancer are the perfect signs for romantic relationships with each other."

"Honestly?" Enola asked, trying to pretend she didn't figure that out seconds ago. 

Tewksbury nodded. 

"Well, we're a perfect match, wouldn't you say?"

The young lord smiled. "You can say that again."

Phew and done! Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! (It's really short, I know. But I promise to make longer chapters!) To be honest, I had no idea how to start after the prologue, but here it is! And I REALLY hope yall enjoyed it. Stay safe and Happy Thanksgiving!! Luv yall!

<3 Luna Star

Enola Homles 3 - Holmesbury FanficWhere stories live. Discover now