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"Where on earth did you guys go? I've been worried sick!" Eudoria cried out as she ran down the path of Basilwether. She tacked her daughter in a hug.

"We've gotten my mother back," Tewksbury assured Enola's mother.

"Oh!" Eudoria finally kissed her daughter's head before turning to the Lady of Basilwether. "Please forgive me for my manners, I am overjoyed you've been released."

"Thank you, Lady Holmes, and please know you as well as your daughter are always welcome here," Lady Tewksbury smiled, hugging Enola's mother.

"You'll never believe what they gave Enola and the young lord," Edith said as she approached Eudoria to hug her. 

"What? What is it?" Eudoria asked, her voice slightly tight with worry. But no one noticed.

Enola took out the locket from her pocket and held it out in both her hands.

"Oh, it's beautiful!" Eudoria said softly, touching the metal slightly. "It's a talisman, right?"

"For good luck," Edith agreed, winking at the minors. Enola and Tewksbury shared a confused glance. But before they could ask anything, the Dowager interrupted them.

"Why don't we get inside? It'll get dark soon. And Tewksbury must rest."

"What do you mean?" Eudoria asked, looking at the young lord. He lifted his hand of the blood soaked cloth. Her mouth dropped open.

"Come quickly, we must fetch you a doctor!" she said, walking over to help the young lord. "I can't risk letting my future son-in-law to bleed to death."

Enola and Tewksbury widened their eyes in embarrassment, smiling awkwardly at each other. Edith beamed at Eudoria's comment. She opened her mouth so say something but was cut off.

"Why don't we get Tewksbury inside before we do anything else?" Enola said, helping Tewksbury.


"All better?" Enola asked as Tewksbury came down the steps from the second floor, his right arm wrapped and hanging in a cloth sling. The young lord nodded, sitting next to the young woman in the kitchen table. 

"The doctor said the stitches would be taken off in a few days or a week. He left already."

Enola nodded, sipping a bit of her tea. It was made from the same herbs Tewksbury used. The young lord noticed her gaze was zoneing out.

"Enola? You alright?" he asked, waving his good hand in front of her face. Enola's eyes widened in surprise, then she forced a smile.

"I'm fine," she said. But she started playing with her tea bag in her mug. Tewksbury placed his hand over hers. 

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Enola met his eyes. She hesitated before opening her mouth. But the sound of knocking cut her off and the couple's head's whipped towards the front door. 

"I'll get it," the young lord assured Enola and stood. Enola finished her tea and placed her mug in the sink, rinsing it before walking out of the kitchen to follow Tewksbury. She heard another young man's voice greet her young lord, but the visitor's next question was strange.

"Good afternoon, is Lady Enola here at the moment?"


Enola Homles 3 - Holmesbury FanficWhere stories live. Discover now