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"Move it, will ya you boy!" a carriage man yelled as Tewksbury crossed the busy dirt street of London. He dressed in his fanciest clothing before heading to England's most prominent capital.

"Just who do you think I am-" Tewksbury shut his mouth, glancing around to see if anyone heard him. But the man was already gone.

You idiot! Watch your mouth, Tewksbury! the young lord thought to himself.

The Flower Market was not far now, Tewksbury could see the decorated sign a few blocks away. Once he stepped into the market, the flowers displayed overwhelmed him. Different colors of the petals moved swiftly in the gentle wind, the sun reflecting off them through the ripped ceiling cloth above. But the lord shook his head.

I'm here to figure out who left that letter! Not gape at flowers I can see any other day.

Tewksbury looked up to see Big Ben not too far showing the time.

11:40 AM

20 minutes, Tewksbury thought. He eventually went around the different stands of flowers to admire the colors, thinking he could pass the time this way.

11:50 AM

A particular flower stood out amongst the others. Spreading Bellflowers.

A truly beautiful flower... just like Enola.

11:59 AM

Tewksbury glanced at the clock and almost tripped over a running boy who shot past him. One more minute!

12:00 PM

The young lord glanced around to check if anyone was waving at him or doing something to get his attention.


Then suddenly, a hand grabbed his arm and pulled him into the shadows, another hand covering his mouth to muffle his yelp of surprise and fear. But Tewksbury noticed he was much stronger than this person and wrestled both hands off him.

"Grandmother?!" the young lord shrieked. The Dowager shushed him and flicked a motion to follow her before disappearing behind the back of the market. Tewksbury stayed in place, still astonished by the sight of his grandmother who supposedly broke from prison?! The young lord took a deep breath and let it out frustratingly before following the old lady.

"Grandmother, what-" Tewksbury froze when he spotted his grandmother standing on the side of the street, waiting patiently to cross.

How can she expose her face so openly to the public after just escaping prison?

"Do not speak a word to me until we reach my lodging house," the Dowager spoke sharp and quietly before crossing the street with the help of her cane.

Tewksbury wasn't so sure if he should follow the old lady but he assumed she knew what was going on. And he wanted answers. So he crossed the road and they both eventually reached the Dowager's temporary house. Tewksbury closed the front door behind him.

"What on earth is going on-"

The Dowager shoved a newspaper toward the young lord. "Read that," she instructed. Tewksbury reluctantly took the paper and opened it. 

"She escaped?!

The old lady nodded, pouring hot water into two mugs. "Mira was an old friend of mine, very sharp and precise with her work in school. I heard of her crime," The Dowager assured Tewksbury before he could tell her what her friend had been up to. "Poor Sherlock couldn't advance in his case-"

"Why don't you tell me why you escaped prison first?"

"I didn't escape. I was released."

Tewksbury dropped his jaw. "Released? Then why aren't you at Basilweather, doing the normal things you do?"

The old lady sighed. "Because my son is missing and I know Mira is behind it. The ball is tonight, and if he doesn't appear-"

"I, know Grandmother. But why do you think Mira is behind my uncle's disappearance? Did she escape to just kidnap him? Because if so, that is the most ridiculous plan I've ever heard-"

"Why she took him, I'm not sure. But I know she is behind it somehow. And I've heard young Enola started on the case as well. So that is why I'm here. To help solve the crime."

Tewksbury felt as if he couldn't breathe and wanted to laugh at the same time.  "Why should I trust you? You literally sent a murderer after me. And once Enola managed to get rid of him to save me, you come and shoot a bullet right into my chest! If it wasn't for the armor..."

"I am truly sorry, my darling. I know now that the reform bill did better than I thought."

Tewksbury scanned the newspaper once more. "I don't know how the police released you,  but-"

The young lord stopped abruptly. "Wait a second. It says right here you've escaped! I knew it!"

A look of concern flashed across the old lady's face. She scrambled to get the newspaper as Tewksbury backed away from his grandmother. The Dowager flipped through the pages before her lips formed into a scowl.

"Mira... always thinking one step ahead."

Tewksbury dropped his jaw. "Whatever does that mean?"

"She knew I would know it would be her who would be behind my son's disappearance..." the Dowager whispered, mostly to herself. Tewksbury's head cocked to one side, trying to understand the tongue twister. 

"Quick Tewksbruy, I need you to contact Enola to meet us at the Flower Market sometime. She must know this imminently."

"Contact Enola.. what? Couldn't we just meet her in her office?"

The Dowager considered this for a moment. "That would do. Gather your things. We're going to solve this case and put Mira back where she belongs."

Hi guys, sorry I haven't written in the last few days! Things have been very busy but what matters is that ch 4 is out and ready for yall to read! Hope u like this ch as much as I do, and I promise I'll try to put a bit more holmesbury than there is! Love yall and happy late thanksgiving ;)

<3 Luna Star

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