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Tewksbury and the Dowager crossed one of the many streets of London to Edith's tea house. The Lord opened the door for his grandmother and a small bell rang above, indicating to the host that she has more guests.

"I'll be with you both in a moment, please make yourselves at home-" Edith stopped abruptly, jaw slightly dropped at the young lord. "Tewksbury?"

The Marquess nodded. Edith exclaimed in relief. 

"Thank goodness you have come! Please do wait for me upstairs, I have terrible news to share."

"Is Enola alright..." the young lord asked but Edith already walked away to serve another customer. 

"Well Grandmother, you heard the hostess," Tewksbury strode to the door in front of the stairs that led upstairs. "After you."

The Dowager surprisingly had no problem climbing the rather steep steps, and if she did she didn't show it. 

"So this was young Enola's office for her detective job?" the old lady asked, leaning on her cane as she inspected the room around her. Tewksbury nodded as he approached his girl's desk and looked for any signs of where she could have gone. A newspaper caught his eye. It was the same he read in his Grandmother's flat.

"She knows..." he whispered to himself, tracing his figure over the three news of his mother, his uncle, his grandmother, and Mira Troy. 

On a nearby bookshelf, Spreading Bellflowers bloomed beautifully in a vase. They were the same ones he gave her before they arrived in Basilweather the other night. He was surprised she kept them. 

"I found your flower pressings. They were quite beautiful," Enola admired the pink rose the young lord handed her a second ago. Then she tossed it behind a table. "I don't give a fig about flowers, of course."

Tewksbury watched the flower fall before turning to Enola. "That's because you're ignorant."

"Ignorant? How dare you?" Enola said offended. 

Tewksbury raised his eyebrows, smiling. "Ignorant and willfully so."

Tewksbury smiled at the memory. She's so beautiful. I love her so much...

"Well!" a voice interrupted his thoughts. Edith had slammed the tray down on another table with a kettle full of boiling water, two mugs, and two tea bags. "I suppose I should start talking about what happened to Enola."

Tewksbury sucked in a breath, already knowing it wasn't something good. Edith's expression turned serious. 

"She's been kidnapped, Tewksbury,"

The young lord's head felt light. He needed to sit.

 "Kidnapped...what, when?"

Edith began to pour the water into the two mugs, steam wafting up the air. "Yesterday evening. Someone somehow slipped into her office, thankfully I was in there with her. My students and I tried to protect her but we didn't even know where the person was. Then suddenly they snatch her and a woman's voice says 'we take on the dance floor once more..."

Tewksbury sat in Enola's chair. He buried his face in his hands. "Oh, I shouldn't have asked her to investigate my uncle's disappearance..."

Edith overflowed a mug and accidentally spilled boiling water on her hand. She exclaimed in pain and shook her hand, blowing the heat off. 

"The eldest Lord of Basilweather is missing?" Edith asked quietly. The young lord nodded. The hostess covered her mouth, pacing back and forth. Finally, she came to a stop in front of Enola's desk, placing her hands on the polished wood and leaning towards Tewksbury. 

"I think I know who is behind it all. Enola and Sir Whimbrel's disappearance..."

Tewksbury waited for her to continue. But it wasn't Edith who spoke.

"Mira Troy," the Dowager whispered. 

"So she's behind both of their dispersals?" Tewksbury confirmed. Both women nodded. The young lord blew out a frustrated breath. 

"She's a genius in mathematics, in everything basically compared to us! Who else can match her mind?"

Edith raised her chin. "I only know of one who could be as smart as her."

The Dowager's eyes flashed with recognition and she turned to her grandson. "Sherlock Holmes."


That night Tewksbury returned to Basilweather with his Grandmother. A great dinner was held by the maids for the return of the Dowager. 

Tewksbury now lay in his bed, sleep unable to overcome him. He continued to toss and turn throughout the night and he eventually got out of bed. He opened the door quietly and stepped carefully down the hallway to the stairs to run into the forest where his treehouse was. 

The moon was huge and golden in the night sky, with the stars twinkling above just like the night he and Enola exchanged their zodiac signs. Tewksbury sighed as he admired both of their constellations. 

Where are you, Enola...

Tewksbury finally felt at peace underneath the stars, wondering if Enola too was admiring them wherever she was. His eyelids grew heavy. 

Suddenly the thud of a body falling to the ground faintly reached Tewksbury's ears. A familiar groan had the young lord's eyes shoot open. He scrambled to see who fell. 

A young woman.

With golden brown hair.

A beautiful dress all torn and dirty.

"Enola?!" Tewksbury yelled in surprise and concern. She didn't respond, her face against the muddy ground. The young lord climbed down as quickly as he could and ran to the young woman. 

"Enola!" Tewksbury called, flipping the lady detective on her back and sitting her up against his arm. Small streaks of blood flowed down the side of her face. The wound Superintendent Grail caused with the metal hook a week ago had opened again, along with a few cuts along her arms. It looked like she fought to escape wherever she was held captive. 

Enola slightly opened her eyes and smiled at the young man. "I missed you too," she said in a horrifying hoarse voice before fainting. 

Right in Tewksbury's arms. 

Ch five is donee! Hope yall like it, I promise more holmesbury will be in the next ch! and y'see, this ch is prob the longest one. ill make as many as I can, dwdw! tysm for the views yall r the best! plz comment wut u think!

<3 Luna Star

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