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"One newspaper, please," Enola told the man in front of her. They exchanged the paper and a few coins before Enola went on her way after thanking the man. She opened the papers but was interrupted by the chaos of the city around her.  

I can't focus here. I need a quieter place to think.

Enola entered Edith's tea room and took her coat off to hang it on the nearby hanger. The familiar sound of thudding rocked the ceiling above and Enola smiled to herself. She politely greeted Edith's guests who were seated at tables with cups of tea and plates with cake. Enola reached the stairs that reached the upper room and climbed to the door. 

"Enola! Good morning!" Edith greeted the young woman as she helped another with her jujitsu move. 

"Good morning," Enola answered and made her way into the office where her detective work was kept. She closed the door behind her and sat in the comfy chair behind her desk before finally opening the newspaper. 


Lady Tewksbury is found guilty of Sir Whimbrel Tewksbury's disappearance and was brought to the Police Department for further notice. 

"She was arrested?!" Enola exclaimed, sitting on the edge of the chair. "That's utterly ridiculous, she's his sister-in-law! And how was she proven guilty...?"

The lady detective flipped the page to another headline. 

Miss Mira Troy has escaped! Might be hidden or disguised. A.K.A Moriarty.

Enola nearly fainted with shock. 

And now this villain broke out of prison?!

The Dowager is presumed to have escaped prison a few nights ago. Please let the Police know if you catch sight of her. 

Enola might as well fainted right then. Three different problems to solve! She wasn't even sure the great Sherlock Holmes could solve them all, especially Mira Troy who almost stumped the great detective. 


The young woman looked up to see Edith staring at her in concern. 

"You look so pale... are you alright?"

"I-I'm fine," Enola assured her, still a bit stunned by the news. 

"But you won't be. You never will, and neither will your allies," a familiar voice shot through the

 air. Edith and Enola straightened their shoulders, looking in all directions. 

"Show yourself!" Edith yelled and her students grew curious in the room next door. 

"Is something wrong?" the same woman Edith was helping earlier asked. Edith kept her eyes working to spot something strange in the room. 

"Someone is here," Enola told them. 

"Right you are," the same familiar voice spoke and a silhouette formed in the shadows.

"Girls, ready!" Edith yelled and her students fell in quickly in a defensive circle around Edith and Enola. 

The tsks of the voice echoed throughout the room. "Such bravery, yet such stupidity."

Enola suddenly screamed and she disappeared.

"Enola!" Edith yelled.

"I warned you, although you weren't there Edith, I would be playing another game once more."

Enola meanwhile was struggling to jerk out of the person's grasp. 

How do they know Edith's name?

"We take on the dance floor once more," the voice hissed and the shadow vanished. 

Along with Enola.

Dun, dun, dunnnnn! Heyy yall, chapter 3 is donee! Hope u really like it! Plz help me and comment what you think! Tysmm for the 300 views yall are the best! <3 Luna Star

Enola Homles 3 - Holmesbury FanficWhere stories live. Discover now