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Mira Troy was finally in jail again. John and Sir Whimbrel Tewksbury were currently healing in the hospital. Sarah was pardoned for her deed considering she was only obeying Mira because she held Bessie hostage. But now that everyone was back and safe, Enola should've been feeling happy, celebrating, gaining the praise she deserved after completing her third case. 

But why did she feel so... sick? A gut feeling kept the young woman at her desk in her room all night in Basilwether, researching and reading the news over and over. But what scared her the most was Bessie's words, answering Tewksbury's question. 

"She loved your dad, I think. And she wants revenge. Your mom got out of jail, and now she's coming after you. The scary part is... no one knows what she will do."

But what? What will she do? She can't do anything! She's in jail!

A knock on Enola's door dragged her to the present. 

"Come in," she answered. Turning to smile at her visitor, her face fell into a frown when she noticed Thomas standing at the door way. Enola sighed. He was probably here to talk to her about the betrothal. 

"Make it quick," she snapped, returning to her desk in a sour mood. How dare he just arrive at my beloved's home and claim he and I were betrothed? Now he wants to talk to me about it, after all we went through? 

Thomas sighed at her sourness, remaining standing at her doorway. 

"I wanted to say goodbye."

That caught Enola's attention. She glanced up to watch Thomas' expression. He seemed anxious and fearful. 

"Thomas," Enola said softly, slowly standing from her char. "What's wrong?" 

He didn't respond. He only stared at the floor, tucking his hands behind his back. Enola slowly started walking to her old friend before he suddenly pointed a gun to her. Enola's hands quickly went up in defense, holding her hands out in peace. 

"Thomas, what's going on I don't understand-"

Her voice was muffled by a hand that approached from behind her. Struggling to shake off the stranger, Enola caught a glimpse of her worst night mere. 

Mira Troy. 

Enola's muffled screams could not be heard from anyone. Mira was too strong, surprisingly. Clicking Enola's hands together with handcuffs behind her back, Enola no longer could move as much.  But that only made Mira gain more strength to clamp her hand over Enola's mouth. 

We just got Mira in prison! How did she get out?

Why is Thomas helping her?

"Listen closely little girl, you might have many questions about many things. So I'll let you ask your fellow traitor once we're in the carriage. But you can't let anyone know we're here. If you do, I will have to knock you out," she nodded at the young man, who was staring at Enola with tearful eyes that flowed down his cheeks, the gun still pointed at her.  

Enola caught a white handkerchief in the corner of her eye, that was probably loaded with a sleeping sedative. Breathing a sigh of relief - or at least trying to - Enola realized Mira didn't want to kill her. Why she didn't, Enola didn't know but she was grateful. Deciding to get answers, Enola gave one short nod. Mira nodded at Thomas again and he lowered the gun, taking out a sack the size of my head made out jute material. Approaching her and slipping the bag over Enola's head to blind her, his eyes shown with apologetic sympathy, not that Enola would ever forgive him now. 

Minutes later, Enola was seated in a carriage as she felt Mira and Thomas slide in next to her. Just when the carriage started moving did Thomas gently take the jute sack off of Enola. She glared daggers at Thomas, wanting to beat him up and get the answers to her many questions. But she was tied the the seat, preventing her from going anywhere. Even her legs were tied. But at least Enola could see and talk. And oh did she talk.

"Do you care to explain yourself Thomas?" Enola began, trying to keep her cool. The young man fidgeted with his fingers looking anywhere but at his betrothed. 

"Mira offered me something I couldn't refuse. And she wanted help in return so..." he rested his hands on his knees as if to say oh well.

If it wasn't for the handcuffs chaining Enola to her seat, she would have launched herself at him.

"What," Enola seethed, glaring at a calm Mira next to her. "Did she offer?"

Thomas and Mira shared some kind of look before he responded. "To get rid of Tewksbury." 

That was the least Enola was expecting honestly. She thought he would have said something like "to marry you" or "to make sure you and your mother are cared for after all of this." 

"Get rid of Tewksbury?" Enola whispered, utterly confused. Why on earth would Thomas want to get rid of Enola's lover? Sure, they hated each other probably because they both loved the same girl but... that can't be the only reason. Can it? 

"I'm not the only one who experienced a heartbreak," Thomas whispered. Mira nodded slowly, averting her gaze. Enola stared at him dumbfoundedly. 

"That's it? You just want to get revenge on Tewksbury just because I love him?" Enola scoffed, staring at Mira. "And of course Mira would help you because she want's to hurt me by that."

"Just be grateful I convinced her to hurt Tewksbury instead of you to complete her revenge. She could have easily killed you the first time she kidnapped you, you know."

Enola's jaw dropped before she gritted her teeth together, just about ready to launch herself at the traitor. 

"You were the one who rescued me that night when Tewksbury found me at the bottom of the treehouse, unconscious and bleeding?"

All Thomas did was nod. 

"Then where are you taking me now?" Enola asked, gazing out the window of the carriage. "And what are you going to do to Tewksbury?" 

"That will be a surprise for you, little girl," Mira smiled evily. "I can't hurt you physically because your lover boy here convinced me not to, but I can hurt the ones you love... as well as your sanity."

Enola's eyes widened when she realized what the evil woman meant. She stared pulling against the bonds and screaming, trying anything to get out of the handcuffs that tied her to the seat. Tears streamed down Enola's cheeks as she gasped for air, still trying to break free. 

"Enola, calm down-" Thomas started.

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN WHEN YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE ME WATCH EVERYONE I LOVE DIE!" Enola yelled back, trying one last time to pull free from the bonds. But it was hopeless. She finally stopped after a while, sobbing quietly as she tried to stop the tears from flowing down by closing her eyes. Of course that didn't work. 

"Why is the misunderstanding between you and my father my fault?" Enola sobbed, burying her face in her hands. Mira took a while before she responded. 

"Because of you I couldn't get married to the man I loved. It would have been a disgrace to him."

And done! I really hated doing this to Enola, but phew, what a story! We're back baby! Ch 12 is finally here after a whole year and only a few more chapters to come! Thank you so much guys for the comments, votes and views, y'all really made this story worthy. 

Also! I have another fanfic about 'Miraculous Ladybug Season 6' for any Miraculous fans out there! Just go into my profile and you'll find it. ;)

Thank you for giving this story a chance! Next chapters will be posted soon! Love ya <3

~Ari <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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