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Tewksbury shot past Edith, entering the room. His eyes searched for his girl.


The young lord's gaze rested on the young woman. There was Enola, her eyes scanning the room around her with a worried expression. When she heard Tewksbury call her name, she turned to look at him. 

"Enola!" Tewksbury exclaimed in relief, rushing over to hug the lady detective. 

"Who is Enola?"

The young lord stopped in his tracks, his arms still held in the air when he heard the voice come from her. His smile frowned slightly. 

"Well, it's you of course," Tewksbury's smile turned upside down.

Enola looked Tewksbury up and down. "Who are you? Where am I?"

The young lord dropped his arms to his side. "You... don't know?"

Enola hesitated before shaking her head. "I have to go, my friends are waiting for me."

Tewksbury glanced at Edith who stood by the door, watching the couple with an amused look in her eyes. 

How can she just be standing there? Enola lost her memory!

"Enola, you have to stay-"

"No!" the young woman smacked Tewksbury's hand away and reached to take off the covers off the bed. "I ended up in some stranger's room after I fell asleep, you must let me go! I order you!"

"I'm sorry you can't leave, you just lost your memory that's all," Tewksbury tried.

Then Enola suddenly smiled. 

"I'm just teasing with you, Tewksbury," Enola said, laughing softly. 

Tewksbury's jaw dropped. "My goodness Enola, don't ever do that again!" the young lord scolded. Enola just smiled back before throwing the bedsheets off her legs. She hopped out of bed but almost toppled face-first on the floor if Tewksbury wasn't there to catch her.

"Careful, you have to rest. You've been out for almost two days," the young lord said softly as he helped Enola back into bed. 

"Two days?!" Enola glanced at Edith to confirm. The hostess nodded.

"Oh, Enola dear how are you feeling?" the Dowager had just appeared by the door next to Edith with a tray of tea. Enola was a bit taken back by the old lady's kindness

"I'm doing well, thank you, miss...?"

"Oh please, call me Francesa," the old lady said as she placed the tray on the nightstand. "You must relax and regain your strength. And Tewksbury?"

"Yes, grandmother?"

A flash of emotion flickered in her eyes. "Take care of Enola, will you?"

Tewksbury shot his grandmother a look that said, Do you really think I wouldn't?

Enola giggled, seeing his expression. And with that, the Dowager Lady of Basilwether left the room. Edith soon followed, leaving the couple alone.

"Well that was a little strange, with your grandmother being all caring like that, but it was nice," Enola spoke up. Tewksbury laughed. 

"That is true, I was a bit shocked myself."

"So," Enola started after a moment of silence. "Tell me everything that happened when I was out."

Tewksbury exhaled before explaining everything in detail. He was pretty sure thirty minutes passed by explaining everything. He passed a cup of tea to Enola once he finished. 

Enola Homles 3 - Holmesbury FanficWhere stories live. Discover now