You,Adriana Hopper asked Finney the "Freek" Blake on a date?

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(teenage dirtbag be slapping right now and I listen to it for 50 times today and I got the black phone book and rebel Robin stranger things) this will be about Robin, Gwen, Gabby , and maybe Vance finding about the date.

gabbys pov after school:
I was walking and Adriana came up to me after school. "hi adri what happened?" "so I kinda asked Finney on a " she said really fast but I understood it and when I tell you I was shocked I was shocked "what so let ne get this straight You,Adriana Hopper asked Finney the "Freek" Blake on a date?" "yes I did, please don't tell vance he will kill me so let me tell him" "ok I won't but where is the date gonna be? what time? And what when?" "oh I didn't ask him where i'll call him but 5pm,tomorrow" "ok so tomorrow after school i'll come and we'll get you ready, ok?" "ok"

Gwen's pov:
I was waiting for Finney so we could go home and he ran out the school door "Finney! get over here" I walked over to him and there was blood on his face and some cuts too "Finney what happened?" "Marty and his friends happened!" (I think thats there name i'm not sure though) "that it i'm gonna go kick their asses" "gwen they already left like five minutes ago but good new" "how could something good come out from getting beat up by some little shits?" "Adriana asked me on a date!" there is no way Adriana hopper asked my brother on a date "what?!when?! where?!" "third period at the bleachers" "omg where are you guys goin-"
"hey" we heard a familiar voice say from behind us

robins pov:
I saw gwen and finney talking so I walked up to them "omg where are you guys goin-" "hey" "oh hi robin" said finney "hi robin" "what are you guys talking about" "nothi-" "Adriana ask finney on a date!" "Adriana hopper the girl who hated you and who would kill me and gwen without a doubt?" "yeah but she changed" "yeah right, I bet you that she made a bet with vance even though gabby tired to talk her out of it, but she did it anyway and you'll find out about it, then she humiliate you front of the whole school" "she won't do that" "yes she will, she will make your life hell by humiliating you and everyone is gonna bully you, you should stand her up so you don't get heartbroken"

"no I won't do that you don't know what your talking about your just jealous that the last girl you asked out said no to you in front of the whole school" "fuck you finney" "robin I didn't mean tha-" the next thing I knew was that I punched him "shit" then I ran.

third person:
little did everyone know robin was jealous not of finney but Adriana, he liked finney more then friends, he always did but now he didn't have a chance.He probably never did because in his mind finney would never have liked someone like him.

Adrianas pov:
I got home and vance was on the couch watching the outsiders like everyday I'm surprised that it's not imprinted in his eyes.
"hey adr how was your day?" "good ................. can I tell you something?" "yes of course" "you promise you won't get mad" "yeah" "so I kinda asked finney on a d-ate" "you did what?!" "asked him on a date" "didn't you like beat him up or something?" "No actually I didn't I just embarrassed him a few times" "what but you ask him out?" "yes, i'm going to my room bye"

I decided to call finney to ask him where he wanted to go for the date. I looked through my contacts and found "finney blake" I decided to change it to "♡︎♥︎mi amor♥︎♡︎" and call him. After a few rings someone answered "hey Adriana" "is this gwen?" "yeah finney is in the shower" "oh ok" "um can I tell you something?" "yeah" "so when we left school finney was running out the door and when I went up to him he had blood and cuts all over his face and he say Marty and his gang did that and he didn't want me to get involved with them" "oh hell no I will drag each one of there asses and beat the shit out those whores" "ok finneys coming back" "ok bye gwen" "bye"

"hi" "hi finn" "so you did you call me?" "oh I was wondering where you wanted to have the date at?" "we could have it a Benihana" "yeah ok sure" "ok bye" "bye mi amor" I said then we hung up. I fell asleep because I was tired and I woke up to the sound of things hitting my windows. I walked up to my window and there he was, mi amor. I opened the window and put my head out of it "what are you doing here?" "I wanted to see you" "ok there is a lather in the back of the house" "ok" he walked to my backyard to go get the lather.

He came back and started climbing up the lather. "be careful" "i'm always careful" "yeah right" he climbed in though my window "if your alway careful then how did you get all those cuts on your face huh?" "um those i've had them for years" "finney, gwen told me what happened here let's get you cleaned up come" I took him to the bathroom, he sat on the toilet and I kneeled down. finney was 5,7 and i'm 5,6. I got the first aid kit out to clean him up, I grabbed alcohol and a Cotton swab to clean his cuts "this might sting ok" "ok" I placed the cotton swab on his cuts "owww" finney yelled " calm down it couldn't have been that bad" "that hurts" "I know but if I don't do this then they can get infected and we still have six more cut left"

"ow ow ow owwwwww" "ok one more ready three two one" "owww" " there here I will put band-Aids on the cuts" "oh what type?" "ones with space things on it" "oh yay" "your acting like a little kid" "hey that rude" I put the band-aids on him and we went back to my room "so why did you come?" "can't a guy see his amazing girlfriend?" "yes but i'm not amazing i'm perfect" "yeah right but I got us these" he pull out two matching necklaces that had our initials on it "you know i'm not really a jewelry person" "you don't have to wear it" "no i'm gonna wear it forever back off" "the one with an F is for you and the one with an A is for me" "I love them" "so um what does mi amor mean?" he was talking about when I said bye mi amor after our call "oh um it means... my friend" "yeah ok"

It's been fifteen minutes since finney arrived and we have been talking about random thing that happened at school "when we go to school tomorrow I'm gonna beat the shit out of Marty and his gang of little bitches" "no don't then they will go after you" "they been after me since 1st grade, hey do you want to go get slushy?" "yeah sure lets go" we walked to grab-and-go "which favor are you gonna get?" "probably cherry it's the best favor" "what no blue raspberry is 1000 times better" "no it not" "is too" "not" "is" "not" "is" "not" "it is and I don't care about your opinion" I said

We paid and sat at a bench outside of grab-and-go my head in his lap looking at the stars "so what do you want to be when your older?" "I would love to be an astronaut" "of course you would,you have stars all over your face" I said pointing out all the bandages on his face "you wouldn't?" "no what if you get lost or they forget you in space forever?" "oh your right" "of course I'm right but would love to be a movie star or travel the world. You what I might consider doing drama club in high school next year" "oh traveling the world sounds fun" "yeah we should go home now" "ok"

We walked to my house first because he didn't want anything to happen to me "bye finn" "do you know I take Spanish class right" "no I didn't" "well anyways bye mi amor" he said winking. I tried to fall asleep but all I could think about was him,mi amor,my other half, Finney Blake and I couldn't wait for our date tomorrow.

hi sorry I haven't been posting I died           .........................................................................................................................................

just kidding I was on a cruise for four days so I missed Thanksgiving with my family I was sad but I made a friend and she lives in the city next to me and my grandma lives in that city too funny right I did work on like 100 words before I left and I only saved one story for off-line things and it was like torture not reading but anyways good night I just realize I always write these at night it's 3:16am slay love y'all but not as much as I love Finney
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