Don't know what to do

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so my mom gave me my phone to use for a little and I'm watching Eli on my computer, and like I'm just bored out of my mind I'm probably gonna read some Xavier Thrope stories like when I first watched Wednesday I thought he was ugly. I was telling my friend that he was so ugly but like now i'm obsessed with him like it's not even funny. I making another chapter on the black phone imagines a Vance, but I don't know what to name it. It kind gonna be like an arcade date, and I made an Donna chapter .for Vance,Of course, I made it a boy x boy and for Donna, it's a girl x girl because why not and I recently watched recently, I mean like half an hour ago, my died ex, and it was so good. I swear it's like my favorite show now tied between the end of the effing world and I'm not OK with this and everything sucks but it was so good.

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