Chapter 35: Marcy at the Gates

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Drake sat on the roof of the fwagon with Hop Pop and Polly. The journey to Newtopia had been a long one with various hardships but he was happy with how it went so far. "Looks like we're almost to Newtopia. Anything I should expect once we get there? I don't think you told me anything about it yet." Drake asked.

"Well, Newtopia is the capital of Amphibia. A city of scholars where the elite live. The king himself lives there." Hop Pop explained.

Drake remembered there being an Amphibia royal family tomb back in Frog Valley. It does seem like Amphibia still lives under a monarchy. He began to wonder. "Hey, Hop Pop, I'm wondering... you remember that time the toads of Toad Tower tried to execute you? Is it possible they were doing it under the orders of the king? Do you think we should be wary of him?" Drake asked.

Polly and Hop Pop stared at him. "Drake, that's treasonous talk. I suggest you keep thoughts like that that to yourself while we're in the city. Who knows what'll happen if you're caught saying things like that." Hop Pop said.

"Right... sorry Hop Pop." Drake apologized.

As they climbed to the top of the nearby hill, Drake saw a massive wall in the middle of a large body of water, the wall itself surrounded a large city. Outside the wall was a broken-down aqueduct. In the center of the city stood the palace with a giant hammer statue on top. His expectations for Newtopia were high, yet they were exceeded.

Polly hopped to the back and opened the roof of the fwagon. "Guys! Come, it's- I- Not gonna believe- Ah! Just get out here!" she called out to Anne and Sprig.

Everyone got off the fwagon and looked on in awe. "There she is gang. Newtopia. If there's a way to get you home, it's in that city." Hop Pop presented.

"Well, then let's get down there." Anne said causing everyone to cheer.

Drake got back on the fwagon just in case Bessie started to act up and because he didn't want to get his feet wet. Meanwhile everyone else decided to walk the rest of the way to the gates. Luckily, the water only seemed to go just above the ankles. Polly was relaxing floating on the surface of the water. They passed by a bunch of mounds that went above the water then made a hole in the ground.

Everyone stopped at the main gate with Drake still sitting on Bessie. "We're finally here. Yo! Anyone home?" Anne called out.

A tiny window near the top of the gate opened. A newt poked his head out. "You can't come in here, Newtopia is closed."

"Seriously?" everyone shouted in unison.

"Closed? Like closed, closed? Or like closed for lunch?" Anne asked.

"The city is closed, closed. To all outsiders." the guard announced.

"What the hey, hey? Why? Till when?" Sprig asked.

"Until the barbari-ants are gone of course. Until then good luck out there!" the guard tried to close the window, but the handle was too far away. He slowly climbed out but lost his footing and almost fell off, barely hanging on which amused Polly. The guard barely managed to climb back inside. "I'm okay!" the guard said closing the window using a hook attached to the end of a rod.

"What's a 'barbari-ant'?" Anne asked.

"Beats me, we don't got them in the valley." Hop Pop answered.

Sprig scoffed. "They closed the whole city because of a few little ants?" suddenly he was attacked from behind by a giant ant three times his size. "Ah! Big ant! Really big ant!"

Drake quickly stood up and jumped at the ant. He bounced off and landed in the water. Drake felt the water cover his face and quickly stood up. Soon after, Polly jumped at the ant and bit its leg while Anne and Sprig prepared to launch Hop Pop like a projectile. "One, two, three!" Hop Pop was sent flying at the ant, he inflated his head and collided with the ant, sending it flying back. The ant quickly retreated underground.

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