Act 1, Scene 29

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Author's pre-note:

A few weeks ago I created a Spotify playlist for this book. It's not the complete version so the songs will be added as time goes by or removed if I find it not suited in the future.

you can find the link on my conversations as well.

And so her training went by smoothly and soon enough, evening came by. The distraught wind blowing through her hair made her groan in annoyance. "What's with the wind today..? Doesn't seem too happy." she wonders.


"It's been a while since I've visited the la Monique sisters...I wonder how that older one has been..." Carsein sighs. It's been a while since he had seen the twins. Ever since Aristia let out her frustrations at him he has been avoiding going to the Monique mansion even though he was dying to see how she has been.

And [Y/N], the girl he had somehow been able to befriend. He just felt so comfortable with her that it was as if they had known each other their entire life. Everything he does with her just seems so relaxing, so calming...he quickly shook that thought away. [Y/N] and he may be closer but Aristia was the one who caught his attention. A lady who is to be empress but doesn't wish to be one.

His expression brightens at the thought of the sisters even if it's just the slightest. Carsein knows that he hasn't been the best to Aristia and he knows he has to apologize but his pride is far greater than his need to ask for forgiveness. "There's no way I'm gonna apologise to her," he whispers under his breath.

While Carsein was slouching over the couch thinking of the numerous scenario that could particularly partake if he were to go visit the Monique twins. His mother, Duchess Ernia steps into the room.

"Sein," she says, her voice full of authority.

"MOTHER!? What– what brings you here." Carsein squeaked almost immediately at the sound of his mother's voice. No matter how long it has been, his mother will always be his number 1 fear.

The duchess squint her eyes in disapproval but decided not to mention it. "Sein, Lady [Y/N] will be visiting our manor in a few days' time. So I suggest you practice hard enough to spar with her. It will do good for the both of you." she suggests. Hearing that [Y/N] would be visiting again got Carsein excited, especially at the thought of sparing with someone of equal level to him. "Yes, ma'am!" he energetically salutes before rushing off to who knows where.

"Duchess Ernia! Rumours of your son and Lady [Y/N] are spreading and it's not anything good." the head maid rushes to the duchess hoping for her to help. The duchess nods, "Let's go, we'll talk in my office."

_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐



Through Aristia's request, Sir Seymour has been guiding her with her training. As for [Y/N], she thought it couldn't hurt to join in the fun and with luck, Sir Seymour agreed to help her as well. Of course with the deal that his first priority would be Aristia, he would only look at her overall movement and give advice when he thinks it can be improved.

It may not have been much for [Y/N] but she was actually tremendously grateful to be guided by someone from the royal knights. Just seeing the Monique knights wasn't enough to improve. She needed to expose herself to others' fighting styles. It's like sports, no matter how good she is there will always be someone better. And to be better she needs to surround herself with better people to push herself to be the best version of herself. With constant pushing, she will improve immensely, and that is what she needs right now.

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