Chapter 2 : The Dream

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It was at least 10:30 when I went to bed last night. It went pitch black and I could smell the salty water I knew where I was. I was at Miami beach. My dad used to take me here when i was little. I haven't been here in five years. That's when my vision started clearing up and I could see. I ran to the water and swam out to the ocean like it was calling me.

But then I stopped I couldn't move! When I looked down I was sinking like something pulling me down but there wasent. I started to panic, I screamed for help but no one was there to help , and finally I woke up with tears running down my face. "Katherine whats wrong ." " No." I replied.

Authors Note

Hey guys it's me again sorry if i let you guys go on a cliffhanger and that this chapter is so short the next chapter called "Jake " should be out on May 14 and again thanks for reading.

Until next time.......BYE!

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