Chapter #7 :The Appointment

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  I had slept great that night. When I got home after my date my mom said she was truly sorry for walking in on that. The next morning I had a appointment with my doctor to see elbow I was doing and how long I would have left until I passed on. It was sad knowing that I never gonna get married or have kids.

  At the hospital I waited about thirty minutes before they called my name. The hospital room I was assigned to was blan and white, but it's a hospital  what are you gonna get out of that. Dr. Reed walked in and he had a smile on his face but even though he had a smile on his face there was no way you couldn't  see the worry in his eyes. "Hey Katherine, how are you feeling?" He asked. "I'm feeling  just fine I went out with a friend last night and it went well."

  He seemed pleased but shocked at the same time. "Have you had any swelling or feeling nauseous lately?" "No, sir." " Good, good, good." Well I have some good news and some bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" He asked. "Ummmmmm...... let's start with the........ bad news." I said worried on what he was going to tell me.  " You seemed to have moved up on your cancer stages and now on stage three." I was shocked like the first time but not as much, I had felt a tear roll down my cheek.

  "So how many more months do I have left?" I

asked. " Well you have been doing good lately so see about a year or half of a year." " Ok so what's the good news" He paused for a long time until he's mouth opened. "Your pregnant." 'How I asked myself in my head' I mean I didn't sleep with guy and I didn't come here saying 'Hey I want to be pregnant' " How many months/weeks am I in?" "About two months, have you been gaining any weight recently?" I have been noticing some weight gain but I thought that was for having cancer. " Is it a boy or a girl?" " We don't know yet but I think that's the end of your appointment so give me a call if anything unusual happens and I'll get you in straight away.

--------------------------------*Authors Note*------------------------------

Hey guys I really hope you like this chapter I took me so long to get this up but I'm in Colorado Springs on V.K so it might be a while for me to publish and update but don't worry I will have more and more chapters coming soon and if you have any baby suggestions then put it in the comments and I'll give a shout out to who ever wins....... so I wish my fans  good luck and any way........

            Until next time.................


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