Chaapter 4 :The Awkward Dinner

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  It was around 8:30 when mom called me and dad down for dinner. We were having steak and baked potatoes that night. It was complete silence through the whole entire dinner.

  Of course I would be the first one to talk. "This dinner is really good mom." I said. "Thank you Katherine." My mom said. We didn't  talk for the rest of the of the evening.

  After dinner my mom called me down to talk. I guess it was pretty serious talk since my parents were at the table not even touching eachother. I took seat across the table from my parents when my mom finally said " Katherine we are getting divorced."

                                          Authors Note 

Hate me I know it I left you guys on a cliffhanger . And I'm really sorry for not posting yesterday I was working on "Blizzard Love" and if you haven't seen or read it yet then please go check it out its coming together really nicely and I would like to give a few shout outs so here we go.

First off is LiveLoveFanGurl she is a close friend of mine outside of this tablet or phone and shes a amazing writer so thank you for that.

Next is JadeySue she again is another amazing writer and close friend so thank you for being their for half of my life.

Then we have DaKawiiQueen I really don't know her that well but again another amazing writer so thank you.

And last we have Dwells359 he is a good writer and another good friend and again thanks for being there half of my life.

  So please go check out these peeps they are really talented on what they do so thank you for reading and remember "Blizzard Love" go check it out and ok thats it.


                 Until next time BYE!!!!!!!!

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