Chapter 5 :The Question

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"WHAT!" I scream to the top of my lungs. "NO DON'T, WHY?" "Sweet heart," my mom said calmly," We just don't love each other any more, we've talked about it for months now and it's just got to the point to were we weren't happy any more."

  I felt like my world was falling apart. First I found out I may die from my disease, and now my parents are getting divorced, just what I needed, GREAT! I asked if I could be excused from the table so I could go to my room.

  I sat there looking up at the ceiling wondering if I'll get any better or if my parents will find love again. I shouldn't be thinking of these things I'm sixteen for crying out loud.

  It was lunch time at school I was eating with my friends telling them what I was told last night when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around expecting it to be Principal Evans asking about my work like he normally does during this time of school. It was Jake he had a big grin on his face and I couldn't help myself but grin back at him. "Hey" he said. "Hi" I said back to him but quietly. " I was wondering if........." he trailed off. "If what?" I ask curiously. If you would like to maybe go to the movies with me this friday?"

  I sat there stunned. Jake would be the first person to ask me out on a date since I got back from the hospital. But I had a question in the back of my head that I was dying for someone to answer. If I go out with him when I lose my hair because of the treatment would he treat me differently? But I only live once and I'm dying. "Yes" I said to him. "Oh ok it's fine maybe ne.. wait did you say yes?" he questioned. "Yes, I said yes." He smiled very nicely. I just noticed how good looking Jake is. He's tall him with short brown hair and he has these really pretty hazel eyes. Katherine don't get all girly over a boy.

                             Authors Note

  Hey guys it's me again and I'm finally getting around to writing more books and more chapters. If you didn't know my dog got really sick and now something is wrong with her eye. But she is feeling better now. So in my " Blizzard Love " series I don't know what to do next so if you have any suggestions for the next chapter then put it in the comments section. But........

  Until next time.............


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