Chapter 8 :I See Death

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  I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard a noise in the house. I went down stairs to check what it was. I saw a man in all black and the first thing I thought was 'get out of there Katherine.'

  I ran back upstairs locked my bedroom door behind me and dialed 911. "Hello this is 911 what is your emergency." The woman on the other side of the line said to me. "Yes hi, my name is Katherine and someone's in my house." I say. "Ok please remain calm what is your address." She asks. "It is 199 Blair Avenue." "Ok we will have a squad come over in just a couple of minutes but lock your door where ever you are and make little sound as possible."

  A couple of minutes later I could here sirens coming down my road with cop cars and hospital cars (forgot what they are called sorry.) 

  I came out of my bedroom with a gun pointed  straight at me. And the last thing I heard was a loud bang.

  When I woke up I could see white all around me and the first thing I was crying over was that I think I lost my baby. I don't even know who the father is or was. But how can the have a funeral for him/her if my baby doesn't have a gender or a name.

  I could see the angels and God above me and I was going up there with them, but I could feel a strange pull and I came back down to earth.

                                              Authors Note

Did you like this chapter I tried something new and if you did or didn't like it put it in the comments and give a vote so and for shout-outs please go check on PrivatePinkPillows she is a old friend of mine and i miss her to death but she is funny and weird all into one so please go check her out.

Any ways guys....... Until next time........


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