Devastating News

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Me: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Another part of my childhood is splitting apart!!

Daeron, Heron, Babadook, Red, Dahlia and Carrie: What happened?!

Me: *Shows them the news* 

Zurial: *Jaw drops* IM DONE!! IM FUCKING DONE!! *goes into the room and shrieks in anger*

Heron: Jason David Frank passed?! 

Kimmy: You mean the actor who played as Tommy Oliver in Power Rangers?!

Me: That's the one.

Jigsaw: Oh my.... how old was he?

Me: 49.. close to fifty.

Marlow Roderick: Any Power Rangers we can take a look at?

Me: Power Rangers Dino Thunder.

LookSee: *Places a few white flowers with a collage of the power rangers he did*

Aleera, Marishka, Verona, Iris, Kali, Kevin Crumb, Esther and Jason Voorhees: Rest in Peace Jason David Frank.

The Sanderson Sisters: You are an amazing actor and inspired so many people's childhood alike.

Esther Coleman: Our prayers go out to the family, friends and the fans of the Power Rangers series.

Jack Torrance, Dr. Frank-N-Furter, Sweeney Todd, Dahlia, Micah, Rapunzel and Horny the Clown: Rest in Peace Jason David Frank.

Me: Thank you for making my childhood fun.

David, SweetTooth, Dwayne, Marko, Paul, Carrie White, and Annie Wilkes: You will be missed.

Zurial, Iris, Kali, Daeron, Hannibal Lecter, Polite Leader, Micah, and SweetTooth: FUCK 2022!!

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