Chapter 11

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I didn't know how I was going to face the Don. How do I tell him that his own daughter was in London, hidden away somewhere we did not know?

I decided that before I face the Don and potentially not make it out alive, I needed to figure out how Cara knew about everything we were planning. At least I'll die knowing that I wasn't the only one being deceived.

With that in mind, I made my way to my room. As I entered, I made sure to lock the door. I didn't want to be disturbed. I took out the key from the box and opened the drawer where I kept the laptop. Taking it out, I turned it on and waited for it to come on.

It prompted me to unlock it with a password. Now, I needed to think of a possible password that Cara could use. I would have given it to one of the computer freaks we had working with us, they could break through whatever security she had set up. However, I didn't know how the Don would react if he found out I was snooping around his daughter's room.

So, that's why I'm here, racking my brain to come up with anything I could use. I knew some things about her, but I'm not sure if they will be of any help. I tried her date of birth, but got a password error, I tried her full name, but it was the same result, I tried her closest friend's name, but still no luck. Over and over again, I got the same password error. I tried her favorite food, her father's date of birth, and the year of her graduation, but the result were all the same. The countdown started, indicating that I had exceeded the number of attempts to input the password. This was becoming frustrating.

I sighed in annoyance and laid down, deep in thought. What could the password possibly be? I wondered what could be dear to her that she would use as her password. Think, Gabriel, think. You're not a right-hand man for nothing. Your techniques and strategies have brought you this far. This is humiliating. What is the special code?

Suddenly, like a switch being flipped in my head, I quickly turned back to the laptop and entered the date. I typed it in and clicked enter. And there it was. The laptop opened. How that date came to mind, I really can't tell.

It was the day the Don's wife died, February 16th, 2009. No corpse was found for burial, but she was declared dead. I still found that strange.

At that time, the family was having a little family time, still in the celebration of Valentine. Suddenly, the house was filled with smoke and bullets began flying from every corner.

Back then, I was still a young boy who wanted to make a living for myself. So when the Don offered me a place to stay and work for him, I couldn't refuse, I was about seventeen years old and still in training.

The first thing I did was take Cara to safety. I don't know if that was what made the Boss change his attitude towards me. Not that he ever treated me badly, but from that day on, I felt like he had a soft spot for me. Not like he let it show, but making me his right-hand man was evidence enough.

That was one of the reasons we moved from Mexico to New York. Not that the Don doesn't travel there often, but he felt it was better to leave. He feared that Cara would be haunted by the memory of the incident.

Coming out of my thoughts, I turned back to the laptop and searched through for anything that could be of help. I opened files upon files, but nothing stood out. Just pictures, a music library, and... wait a minute, why does a file have my name? It could be any other Gabriel, but I'll never know unless I check, let's find out, shall we?

I opened the file with my name, and it turned out to be an audio file. I played the first one and recognized it as my voice, though it wasn't very clear. I clicked on the second one, and this time it was much clearer. It really was my voice. It seemed like I was having a conversation with someone over the phone. It wouldn't surprise me if she tapped into my phone. Nothing about Cara surprises me anymore.

I played the last one but didn't get much from it. I'm certain this was how she was able to get my voice on calls throughout the mission. How smart. Impressive.

I continued to search for any other useful information. After about fifteen minutes of checking, I found nothing else. Finally deciding that it was all I could get, I closed the laptop. However, something caught my eyes. At the lower side of the screen, there was something that looked like glasses. I wondered what the app was for. Cara doesn't have any eye issues. Maybe it was just a game app.

Not thinking much of it, I was about to close the laptop again, but something kept nagging me to check. Well, if I've already taken her laptop without her knowledge and gone through everything, what difference would it make if I check this?

I clicked on the app and was taken aback. Right before my eyes was the meeting room where we held our meetings behind closed doors. Was I shocked? Yes, who wouldn't be? I wondered what other surprises Cara had in store for us. I'm not sure if I'll be surprised anymore.

Now, I need to find out where that camera is placed in the Don's office, our supposed meeting room. Only then can I face him.

Putting everything back in place, I made my way to the Don's office.

As I entered the office, I began my search for where she could have possibly placed the camera. I looked up, scanning for any camera, but found nothing. I checked every nook and cranny, even the bookshelves, but still nothing. I wonder where it could be.

After several hours of searching, I still came up with nothing. Feeling tired and frustrated, I decided that I'll have to check another time.

Now, it was time to face the Don.

Knocking twice, I waited for the Don's usual call. He already knows it's me knocking because the usual code I use is knocking twice, while the others knock three times.

"Enter," Came his voice from inside. Upon entering, I saw him standing there with his hands folded behind his back. He didn't say anything, and I knew it was my cue to speak.

"She left the country last night and is currently in London. We currently do not know where in London she is staying, but I assure you, we'll find her," I told him as he still had his back to me.

"Make sure you find my daughter and bring her to me, she will be punished for her mistakes, but I need to make sure she is safe before I think about that. Track her down, get the best on that. I can't have that bastard get a hold of my daughter. Go now, bring me good news," he said, still with his back to me, just as I found him when I entered the room.

"Yes, Don," I replied to him before nodding in respect and leaving the room.

At least I made it out alive. I was expecting a bullet to the head when I didn't bring the news he expected. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I picked up my phone and dialed the number of the guy in charge of tracking and hacking. I don't know how he is going to do it, but he always does.

He has helped us track down most of our enemies who thought they could hide from us. But I have a feeling that finding Cara won't be easy, she may not be like those criminals, but the girl has some tricks up her sleeve.

"See what you can find on the Don's daughter. We need to locate her current position. I need her location as soon as possible. Let me know when you find something," I told him over the phone.

"Yes, boss. I'll get on that immediately," he replied before I hung up.

Cara, Cara, you have been a really bad girl. Let's find you and bring you home, back to your dear old daddy.

You have put me in one hell of a situation since I woke up from the drug you put in my drink. It won't be long now.

I will find you.


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