Chapter 16

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After Mathew finally decided to leave, I made myself dinner. I took my food to the sitting room, putting on my laptop, I turned to Netflix to find something interesting to watch, I choose a movie called 'The unforgivable,' a story about a woman who got released from prison after a long time for a crime she committed, but is rejected by society because of her past.

Reading the short intro, I kinda compared her with myself, only that she committed a crime against a society, whereas I committed a crime against the mafia Don, but what makes us similar is that those we offended have decided to see our crimes as 'the unforgivable,' ironic.

I suddenly lost my interest in watching any movie as I rather focused on finishing my food. After eating my food, though I didn't finish everything, I took the plate to the kitchen. I washed the plate and kept it back in place.

I went to my room, had a shower and prepare myself for bed, it was cold, luckily I was able to order a bedspread from a cheap online store and they didn't disappoint me with the 'what I ordered vs what I got' shit, the sheets were just like in the picture.

I slept on my bed, enjoying the feel of the covers on my skin, as I think back to when I was younger.

I always wanted to be a superhero like in the cartoons I watched, I wanted to fly, hold big guns, and be feared, coupled with the fact that I always saw dangerous looking men parading our house, why not? My childish fantasies thought, so I fulfilled my dream of flying, holding big guns and shooting big bad guys, see where it got me.


I woke up in the morning feeling energetic, I went for a run, then got back home as I freshened up.

I didn't have plans for today which led me to the thought of getting a job, perhaps if I could get a job, I would have something to keep me busy and prevent my mind from wondering on when I'll be captured, who was real and who was not, getting my mind off disturbing thoughts, getting a job would really do me good.

I settled down to browse the internet for any information on the Italian Don, typing his name, series of responses came up. I haven't really searched much on him apart from what I know of him through the mafia, from the answers the internet was giving me, it seems to the outside world he was just an ordinary business man who owns chains of hotels and is tagged one of the most eligible bachelors. Just the billionaire kind of story, not everyone knew about his involvement with the mafia, even if they did, there was nothing they could do, to the world he was perfect.

The whole day I didn't know what to do to pass time, I was so bored, it was like I was making myself a prisoner, but the truth was I didn't have where to go, or something to do, it was tiring.

All of a sudden something clicked in my head as I quickly ran to pick my laptop, just as I opened it to switch it on, the doorbell rang.

What?! who could it be? I wasn't expecting anyone, but I had a strong inclination of who it could be.

I made my way to the door as I looked through the peephole and just as I expected it was exactly who I thought it was, big head Matthew, what was he doing here? One reason I didn't want anyone knowing my place.

I was still contemplating if I should open the door when I heard him shouting from outside saying; " Shorty I know you're in there, open the door because I'm not going anywhere,"...I still refused to open the door thinking maybe he would go away, but he still stood there having no plan to leave, whatever crazy head, I thought, as I finally opened the door for him.

"There she is, my one and only shorty," he said as he smiled at me bringing me into a friendly hug, I already knew that telling him not to call me shorty would just encourage him more, so the best thing was to ignore him.

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