1 - Visaenys

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When the first child of Rhaenyra Targaryen was born, it was clear to everyone who saw her that she was no child of Laenor Velaryon.

In the middle of winter, on the coldest day that ever was in Kings Landing, when even snow was seen on the red keep's roofs, Rhaenyra Targaryen first of her name, oldest child of Viserys Targaryen king of the seven kingdoms, heir to the iron throne, a queen to be, gave birth to her oldest daughter. That day everyone knew what happened, another heir was born. Just like Rhaenyra will sit on the throne, the new daughter of the realm will sit on it. That, of course, if Rhaenyra doesn't have any sons. The girl of white, silky hair, pale skin and bright purple eyes was named Visaenys after the two sisters and wiwes to king Aegon the first, Rhaenys and Visenya Targaryen. She was daughter of no other than the rouge prince himself, Daemon Targaryen, she was born to conquer the world. And she lived to do just that.

Rhaenyra had no wish to keep her sweetest first born in the capital. That would have been too cruel. The greens already picked at her, for being pale like a dead angel. She had no other choice than to send her away, away to her real father, prince Daemon Targaryen. She knew what it meant, it meant that the girl will grow up without her, but Rhaenyra was ready to sacrifice that for the child's safety. Living under the same roof as the greens was never safe for the mighty princess, but it was even less safe for her daughter. So the heir to the iron throne gave her to the care of Daemon and Laena, she knew it would be best. Laena was a woman with a kind heart and would be an amazing mother figure and Daemon despite his temper and obsessiveness will be a good father. The little girl of only 3 had to say goodbye to her mother, father and brother, and leave them behind. She still kept contact with them, once she learned how to write, she wrote letters to them everyday. When her younger brother Lucerys was born, she was the first to get the news and the first to congratalute her mother, by ink and paper of course. But Visaenys loved her life with Daemon and Laena. They were kind and loving, Laena was the closest person to her, she loved her with everything the girl had. Laena Velaryon was her dearest friend, she listened to the young princess and took care of her as of her own daughter. Daemon showed his affections a bit differently, he showed them by learning the girl everything he knew, from sword fighting, to high valyrian, he learend her everything he knew. Daemon loved Visaenys, he knew she was his, Laena knew that too, but she never cared. Visaenys had a great life, despite not seeing her true family, she instantly made friends with Baella and Rhaena. The girls were the best friends in the world.

Visaenys didn't have a dragon egg, when she was born, no dragon lay an egg, the small folk said it to be some curse, that she was no true valyrian by blood and that she does not deserve to be the heir. In those three years of her living in Kings Landing no dragon lay an egg, another supposed curse, everyone said. The girl was unlucky, as unlucky as a Targaryen could be. Even when she went to live with her uncle and aunt, an egg of Vhagar and Caraxes did not hatch, even if the one given to Baella did hatch. The girl was saddened, she didn't have her mother close by, nor her father, nor her brother and not even a dragon.

But when the girl turned seven, her uncle and aunt decided to stop their travels around the world for some time and they all went to dragonstone. Their visit was supposed to be a one moon long, but the events that happened on the first night of their stay, changed those plans a bit.

It was just after Visaeny's name day celebration feast, when the girl went to the beach.

Laena understood that Visaenys was saddened by not being able to celebrate her birthday with her real mother and said father, so the girl was a bit moody the whole night, but as soon as Laena offered her to go for a swim, or a walk around the beach alone, the girl happily accepted. There weren't many moments where Visaenys was alone, so she was happy to go think about her and the world around her, just for herself.

As the girl was walking barefoot in the chilly water and the sun was bleeding to the horizon, a dark figure swam out of the water. The girl didn't notice the monster that was swimming towards her and she started to go deeper into the water, so the water would reach her thighs,she turned around and stared at the mountain that held the high, powerful castle. She yelped at the sound of raising and splashing water from behind her back, as the dark figure came out of the sea. She froze. Visaenys started praying to all the gods she knew and started regretting everything she did that made her be in this moment. When a light sniff was heard out of the beast, the little princess started slowly turning around. Once she fully turned, the girl locked eyes with a giant dragon.

Vermithor, the bronze fury, the mighty dragon of king Jaehaerys the first. The dragon sniffed the air around her and lightly growled as if greeting the stranger that has gotten in the way of the him. The girl got scared, she knew Vermithor was called vicious and angry, but as he stood there in front of her, he seemed almost peaceful. Vermithor moved his head a little, bowing to the princess, Vermithor has never done that to anyone else other than Jaehaerys. The princess understood what that meant, the dragon chose her, he claimed her.

Visaenys moved her hand up and slowly touched the dragon's face, right in between his eyes. The beast allowed her to pet him, enjoying the love of a living person, she was the first to touch him after the great king's death. He turned around motioning for the girl to climb him. And that's what she did, straight through the sea waves the girl of only seven, walked to the dragon's long neck and held the biggest horn she could find, using all her strength to mount the bronze beauty. Once she was settled on Vermithor, he immediatly flew up to the skies. The winds were strong and Visaenys almost fell off a few times, but Vermithor kept her in place on his back, never letting the little girl fall.

His little girl. Vermithor flew around the castle and up to the clouds showing Visaenys a different world, a world above the clouds. She fell in love with everything, that moment she felt alive, she loved the clouds, she loved the sky, she loved the sun and the moon, but most of all, she loved Vermithor. Her Vermithor, her dragon.

Vermithor flew around the castle a few more times and set off in the field of the castle, letting his new rider slide off his wing. Visaenys left the castle as a sad little girl and returned with the biggest living dragon after Vhagar.

Daemon was the first to run out to the yard to greet his niece, after him came the girls and Laena. As Visaenys was stroking the bronze neck that belonged to her new best friend. Daemon spoke "You did it", the white haired figure turned around and smiled brightly at her uncle. "Oh, my sweet girl, how proud of you I am" Laena said hugging Visaenys. Then Baella and Rhaena congratulated her. "I suppose that out wins my gift for your birthday" Baella joked. She gifted a dagger with a bronze dragon head on the handle, obviously the idea of her father, but it still was Visaeny's favourite gift "Yes indeed" Rhaena laughed. Rhaena wasn't jealous of her sister, of course she wanted a dragon, but she knew when the time comes, she'll have one.

Vermithor took off and went to fly in the night sky and the loving family went back to the castle and had some cake to the health of Visaenys and her new dragon Vermithor.

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