
I was devastated. She's dead, the only mother I had here for me has died. I didn't even know how to react. Daemon held all three of us as we cried into one another. I don't know how to live without her. She was a person closest to my heart, my core, my soul. Just like Vermithor was curled around my heart, Laena was there too.

She died by her own dragon's fire. Rather symbolic. We were flying to Driftmark for a funeral. She didn't deserve this, she was the kindest human I ever met, she was supposed to live forever. But now she will only live forever in our memories. The moment I heard the news, my heart shattered, it shattered like a vase on Laena's bedside table, that she always refilled with lillies, her favourite flowers. At that same time, a cry, a scream was heard from Vermithor, he growld as loud as he could and I broke down in tears.

As we were riding to the funeral, we flew over a field of lilys, I decided to go stop and pick some of them to put on her casket. A little stop was good, I needed to calm down. I couldn't be seen by the court all weak and crying. Ever since I was little my only dream was to get the iron throne. I wanted to rule the seven kingdoms, I knew I would be the best queen the realm has seen. I would be kind and good to my people, but I would also protect them if needed. Thus meaning I couldn't show weakness to them, I was the oldest daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, and I will be queen. Other than the iron throne, I longed to see my family, but not under circumstances such as these.

I wrote to my family at least once a week, but I forgot their faces and voices. But in all truth, they weren't my family anymore, Laena, Daemon, Baella and Rhaena were. They were the closest people I had. And now one of them is dead. As I was on the ground again, my dragon, nudged my shoulder, as if asking if I was okay. "Nyke alright, issa jorrãelagon" I told my Vermithor.

"I am alright, my love"

I walked to the lilies and picked some of the dark pink and white ones, those were her favourites. I made a big bouquet and flew back to the skies, I didn't want to be late. I sniffed a bit and cleaned my face to the sleeve of my leather dragon riding coat. The winds were harsh and they made my face even more red, but I pulled myself together using all the tips that Laena gave me, to learn me how to stop crying.

Once we flew to Driftmark, the funeral was starting to begin and all the people lifted their heads to look at me onece Vermithor made a loud screeching noise. My dragon landed beside Laena's casket and helped me get off his saddles, once I was on the ground, he stayed firmly behind my back, making sure that I was okay. I took the lilies and ignored everyone, I didn't bow to the king, or the queen, I didn't greet my family, I just walked towards the stone casket, that was all that was left of my dear Laena, ashes and bones in a stony, cold, casket. I got to my knee infront of the casket and bowed my head, I raised up from the ground and put the flowers on the stone. I turned around and walked to Baella and Rhaena, hugging them.

Vermithor took a few steps towards Laena's body and bowed like he usually did to me and only me. He dipped his head low and touched the stone floor with his nose. Dust lifted from the floor because of his strong sniffs. Then he raised his head and flew to circle around the castle, making some of the people jump and even yell. But I didn't look at my boy, I only looked at her. But I still stayed strong and didn't shed a tear, even when I wanted to. I was strong, I had to show it to them. After the ceremony was finished and Laena returned to the sea's, I kissed my sisters' cheeks and went to my real family, to my mother and brothers, I wanted to hug my father first, after all Laena was his sister, he must understand what void in me has opened, but he was nowhere to be seen. So I went to my mother.

"How you've grown, my little deer" my mother whispered, I ran to her and hugged her tightly, she recently gave birth to my third sibling, another boy. That would be a problem for me to reach my biggest wish, but I was happy for her. "I have missed you mommy" I said. "Me too, my little deer" after that I hugged my younger brothers, Jace and Luke. I missed my mother, but I already missed Laena even more.

I felt eyes, staring at my soul everywhere I went.

I looked for my father everywhere, but I didn't see him anywhere amongst the strange people. I went to the railings to look at the sea that now carried Laenas body and kind heart. When I looked over the horizon at the black sea, I saw my father in the water, kneeling on his knees.

He was mourning. I walked down the stone stairs and stood tall on the sand. I walked to the water and went close to my father. The waves reached my knees and my black leather, riding coat was now soaked and turned even darker. My father's head was hung low, eyes glossy from tears, his cheeks were pink and swollen from the cold ocean winds, but other than the cheeks he was pale, with dark under eye bags. I bent down to his level and embraced him in a hug. I don't think he knew who I was at first, but he didn't care, the man was broken. He started crying into my shoulder and whimpering to the leather. I only held his head and stroked his back.

He cried, I didn't. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I had already cried too much. Laena always said that people look pretty when they cry, but ugly when they cry a lot. It was her way of saying that it is okay to cry, but you have to find strength and you can not cry your life away. And I loved my father, I wished him the same, that he wouldn't cry his life away.

He sobbed into my neck and I gently rubbed his back. Once he lifted his head, he finally recognized me. "Visaenys?" "Yes, father" I answered. He immidiatly crushed me in another hug, now completely different, a loving one, a one that you give to the person you care for after not seeing them for a long time. "Come on father, you already spilled enough tears for her, aunt Laena would hate to see you cry, just like for any of us" I said, fighting my own tears from escaping my eyes. He didn't say anything back, only nodded.

Once we got back to the open area of the castle that the funeral was held, whispers and gossips were heard all around us, but I didn't care, once I started riding Vermithor everyone whispered behind my back. I left my father sitting on some chair with mother comforting him. I myself went to the food table feeling those eyes burning to me.

I picked out the cake I wanted to eat and the cakes I would bring to Baella and Rhaena as a way of showing that I'm mourning with them. When I took my chocolate cake, the lemon cake for Baella and strawberry cake for Rhaena a tall boy walked to me. I turned to look at him, he had long blonde hair, a pointy nose and round eyes. He was holding a cup of wine in one hand and the other one was dropped beside him carelessly. I didn't know who was he, I knew he was queen Alicent's son. "My my, the dragon brought a real beauty this time" he smirked, "that happens rather rarely". He was the queen's son. Now I knew, he was Aegon, the queen's oldest son. It was good to keep him around, just in case.

My mother will be queen, but everyone knows that Alicent will try to get in her way, so keeping Aegon like a little pet would be the smart choice. "Thank you, my prince" I forced out a smile. "Tell me, how did a girl like you claim a dragon like Vermithor?" "I didn't claim him, uncle, he chose me" I said as kindly as I could. He seemed rather pleased with my answer and only bent down a little, whispering into my ear "You know, my princess, if you ever wish we could go for a ride together" I stayed silent at his boldness. Only making a sound close to a fake giggle. I hope I will get better at this with age. But Aegon was already tipsy and he was happy with my reaction and clearly proud of his actions. The ego of the boy reached the stars.

When Aegon left, I felt those eyes, those eyes staring at me...

The Bronze QueenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz