
I won't lie, the prince has gotten much more handsome than I remember. Like an angel of chaos. That seems a name to fit him. I felt the angel's eye on me the whole time. He stared when I walked in, when I chucked the wine, when I was talking. And I still felt his eye burn holes in the back of my head when I left.

A warm bath was already waiting for me. It was the best thing I could've gotten at the moment, perhaps the iron throne and Laena's hug would be the only to top it. I took of my bloody armour and all of the dirty underclothes to reveal my scarred and wounded body. I stepped into the steaming water and took a breath in, at its warmth, the contrast of the chilly sea winds and the hot water makes me shiver. I lay in the bath for some time, washing my wounds and hair, infusing my body with oils.

After the relaxing bath, that cleansed my sore and wounded body. I had one nasty wound that I needed to sow on my left hand forearm. So I went to Nina's tent, she was the one to always treat my wounds and scars, well Corlys too, but he was not as good as Nina.

When I walked into the east battalion commander's tent the angel of chaos was flying around it, causing trouble, or not, I wasn't sure yet. I was wearing simple and clean clothes now, so I actually looked like a human, not some beast. I wore plain black leather pants and a linen, red, long sleeved undershirt, on top the shirt I had a breast plate. These days I always have to be careful, you never know what's going to happen.

My uncle looked at me and glanced at my uncomfortably placed hand, blood, slightly darker than the undershirt was soaking my upper arm in it's all glory. He didn't show any emotion, only stopped talking to Nina. Nina bowed her head to me. "Princess, what has happened?" She asked. "Sennina, I need you to sow my hand," I said bluntly. "Of course,". Aemond looked at me and was about to leave, but I stopped him with a slight lift of my hand. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me. "You can stay, I want to hear how things are in Kings Landing" he went back to his spot behind Nina and she pointed to an armchair that was behind a few little tables. Aemond took the chair and moved it closer to me. Nina left to take the supplies needed for my wound whilst I sat down on another chair that was now in front of the prince.

I asked him about Helaena, Aegon and Daerrion. I liked Helaena, she was rather interesting, just in the wrong place, she was too sweet for this world, it will end her. Aegon was a cunt, but the first son of king Viserys and we all know what that means. But Daerrion I have only seen once, when he was just a little babe, kicking in his mother's arms, so I can't say much about him. But I enjoyed listening to him.

Once Nina returned, he asked about Driftmark and my family. He tried to stay as far as possible from the topic of Dragonstone, but when you're talking about family, mother and brothers linger on your tongue a lot, despite you having, not the best emotions towards them. Sennina lifted up my sleeve and took care of the wound, that's when I remembered what was happening here before I entered. "What were you doing here anyway?" I asked. "I was talking with lady Sennina about the battle we're about to march to. I don't know much about Stepstones and I most certainly don't know about the east of Stepstones, so I was interested in what should I say to my men, that also do not know anything about this place." He answered. "Tell them, they will die" I said slightly laughing. It was funny to me, but I suppose our angel of chaos does not really enjoy dark humor, but what do I know. 

"I understand that this is war, but we will win it now. We have two largest living dragons, we were meant to win this war" he said. I wanted to believe him, but his words almost sounded as if we were meant to be here, to be together, fighting alongside. But the worst was that I felt that too and I wasn't as angry about that as I should've been. Our families were fighting, he was a green, I was a black. His sage green tunic was burning in my eyes and I bet that my black Targaryen sigil necklace and emblem on every armour breast plate was doing just the same.

It was strange, people always said that Aemond Targaryen was a cold and quiet, but here he was sitting in front of me chatting about family and life. I liked it, it was nice to finally speak with someone other than my grandfather, Nina, or Avery. It was nice to finally have a conversation not just about war.

Once Nina finished sewing my hand, I got up, said my goodnights and left.

I needed rest, lots of it. Tomorrow will be a hard day of much work, I'll have to get ready and get my men ready for battles. A task not many will be happy about, good thing they don't have a say in this. As I lay in my bed somehow my uncle could not leave my mind. All I thought of was Aemond, the boy didn't let me sleep.


Okay, my loves, hope you enjoyed and I made a face claim. It is Lady Gaga as the countess in ahs. But, of course you can picture her however you like

 But, of course you can picture her however you like

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