
A few years later

Months have passed and we still weren't winning the war. The soldiers got lazy and forgot what they were fighting for. We were losing the war, despite us having Vermithor and a larger army. Our army forgot their purpose and lost their ambition, whilst the triarchy only grew, they had more ambition, they knew what they were fighting for.

I was sitting in my tent reading a letter that was sent to me from Rhaenys. She wrote about everything that has happened for the past week at Driftmark and Kings Landing, of course, there weren't many news, but I enjoyed receiving letters from Rhaenys, Baella and Rhaena. They were the people most dear to me, my grandfather Corlys too. My mother wrote me, but I never wrote back, it was my revenge for what she did to my father. Although I always answered to the letters that were sent to me from Jace, Luke and Joffery.

Once I finished reading, I started thinking of a plan, if I could make them come out of their caves Vermithor could burn them all and we would win. Just like Daemon won this war. But it was more difficult, I was a good fighter, but not good enough. I didn't know what to do, if we had more men everything would be much easier, the men we have here are lazy fucks who wish to go home, not to die in battles. At that moment I decided to use my, one best gift, that I have improved enough for it to work everytime - begging. I would beg the king for some men and I'm sure that he will send some, that of course if Alicent would give us any. I needed to win this war, what kind of queen would I be if I would come back to the capital as a loser. I wrote a short letter to the king, or should I say to the lord hand. It was direct, but I knew that Otto will agree to send more men. He will think, that I would appreciate his gift enough to go on their side. But of course I wouldn't, I will sit the Iron throne, but if I join the greens side I would not be a queen, Aegon would be king.

Once I sent the letter, I went to see my grandsire and talk about what new strategy he has thought of. I stepped into his tent and saw him sitting behind a table that has many maps on it and talking to one of the soldiers. Once the soldier noticed me he bowed his head and greeted me. He was the commander of the south battalion. Avery was his name, with bright red hair and a crooked nose. He was a nice man and one of the last ones that wanted to fight and had any motivation. Me and him used to drink together from time to time. Not only have I gotten more fit, became ever closer with Vermithor, learned new strategies, I too developed an amazing ability to drink as much as one can drink and go and fight next morning. He was a kind man and a really funny one, not only that he respected me, not many of soldiers did, because I am a woman, even if they know, that they would have already lost the war if not me and Vermithor.

Lord Corlys turned to me and smiled, he was one of my greatest friends, I have learned many great lessons from him. I returned a smile to my grandsire. "You did something" he said calmly. "Yes, I did. I sent a raven to Kings Landing" "With a begging for more men I suppose?" "Yes" I frowned. It was embarrassing, I thought I would've already won this war, yet I'm still stuck here. "Well, let's hopd Otto sends something, we are losing" he said. He agreed with me, he didn't like to beg the crown for anything, but that was the only thing we could do. Avery turned to me and said "I'm sorry princess, but I still don't understand why can't we just burn them all with your dragon?" "Their hiding in their caves, even dragon fire can not out fight nature's strength" I told him. Otto Hightower himself has written in one my many sent letters to the crown replies, quoting Harren the black "dragons fly, but stone doesn't burn" he was right, dragons fly, and stone doesn't burn, but men do. Men burn better than flies. Avery fell silent. "We need every man we can get, it's the only way we'll win, we will have to butcher them" grandfather said. "We could try and fool them the same way Daemon did, but not only we learn from our mistakes, they do to" I told them. "Like you always say granddaughter, you always have to learn from your mistakes, but it's even better if you learn from others' mistakes" Corlys looked at me and nodded my head. So there isn't much we can do, we'll have to wait.

The triarchy's men have gotten smarter and bolder. Countless of times I have found a man waiting for me in my tent, wanting to kill me, I, of course fought them off and won every fight, but it's still tiring to always be cautious. I had to get ready, for a battle that has just broken out on the west side of Stepstones. I'll have to take Vermithor and help my people.

Once I got to the west side, I dropped from Vermithor and started killing every man that came for me, my people were relieved and happy to see me, they got their confidence back. Vernithor burned most of the army and the rest we slaughtered. But we still spent four days on the west side, we needed to secure it, if any more men shall come. On the last day there was the biggest battle, the one that men now call, the battle in the west. My grandsire stayed in our camp, he told me he needed to do some things with our allies. He always told me that hope is the fools ally and I always told him that hope is the mother of fools.

The triarchy tried to get to our camps from our backs, so there were many of their men on only one side. I couldn't always be with my boy, I had to work on the ground, but we developed a really strong relationship he knew when I needed help and he always helped me. He was the first to save and protect me.

When I got back from the battlefield, the only thing I wanted was to have a nice and warm bath, clean all the blood away and infuse myself in oils. I was dipped in blood and mud from head to toe and my white Targaryen braids looked pink if not even red. I was going to my tent, but not before going to Corlys', I wanted to ask him if Otto has answered my letter and if Kings Landing will send us men. I walked into his tent and I was blown away once I saw the scene that was happening in my grandsires tent. He was sitting at the head of the table that held the Stepstones maps, beside him sat Avery, two other commanders that I didn't care enough for, to know their names and Sennina. But I always called her Nina, she was a warrior I had met on my one week stay on Driftmark, after a few months here. She wasn't allowed to go to the war, even though she really wanted to. She was a better fighter than any of the men here, she was the best of the bests. Once I saw how good she was I allowed her to join me and we both flew on Vermithor to Stepstones. That day she swore to protect me and be loyal to me and me only. She was my knight, not a real knight yet, but once the war ends I will get her to Kings Landing and make her knight. Nina was my dear friend, she wasn't like most girls, she was strong, tall and not girly like, but she was a fearless fighter and I loved her with my whole heart. Once Corlys saw how good of a fighter she is, he made her commander of the east battalion. I was really proud of her.

But what shocked me most was the person that sat in front of Corlys. A man with white silky hair and an eye patch. It was my uncle Aemond. Corlys sat with his back at me, so Aemond noticed me enter first and we immediatly locked eyes. I stared at him and stopped in my tracks. After all Otto did respond to my letter, he did it by sending the rider of the largest living dragon, his grandson. Aemond looked at my bloodied state and smirked. "Niece" he nodded and greeted me. "Uncle" I answered. This interaction made everyone turn their heads to me. "Ah, granddaughter, we were just talking about you" Corlys said. "Well, I hope it's nothing bad" "The king replied to your letter just after you left. He sent us some men and prince Aemond" Corlys put an emphasis on the word "king" as if warning me to bite my tongue when talking about the situation in Kings Landing. But I had no wish to stay there, once I heard that my wishes were obeyed, I just wanted a bath. It surprised me that Otto sent Aemond here, it doesn't really make sense. I have heard that Aemond was an amazing swordsman, but he has never seen war, I wonder how Alicent allowed him to leave the comfort of her shield. Perhaps they think that I will be bought like that. They help us now, so we will remember that and return it when the time comes. That time being when king Viserys dies and war between my mother and the Hightowers starts. It was absurd that they were stupid enough to think that, but of course they could've been fooled by my hate towards my mother. I do not like her anymore, not after what she did to my father, but she is my only way to the iron throne, why would I play for the other team, when I need mine to win, for me to win the game of thrones?

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