3rd persons pov

The news of Laenor Valaryon's death shocked everyone around. Rhaeny's heart was shattered, she has lived longer than both of her children and that is the biggest doom that can befall a mother. But Rhaenys was strong, she after all was "The Queen Who Never Was", or how Visaenys liked to call her "The queen who should have been". Baella went to Driftmark with Rhaenys and Corlys, to learn and to keep already broken connections with the Velaryons. Soon after Laenors death Rhaenyra married Daemon in the tradisions of old valyria. The whole thing saddened Visaenys. She hated that Daemon didn't wait to mourn, that he didn't mourn at all and neither did Rhaenyra. She didn't know her father, but she still loved him, dearly. She knew she wasn't his daughter, though he still loved her and took care of her as his own. He was kind, not happy, but kind, just like Laena. Rhaena, Luke, Jace, Rhaenyra, Daemon and Visaenys went to live in Dragonstone. Visaenys did love Dragonstone and Vermithor did too. She was happy to be back there, but soon she understood that sadness followed her in every room on Dragonstone, every room there reminded her too much of Laena. So the girl couldn't do it anymore, when the grief overcame her, she begged her mother to allow her to leave for driftmark. She missed Baella dearly and she knew that Rhaenys and Corlys would treat her kindly. She already loved Rhaenys, Rhaenys was a person she admired most after what Rhaenyra did to her father. Rhaenyra had no other choice than to let the girl leave, Visaenys started slowly disliking her and Rhaenyra understood that, it was dangerous, after all Visaenys was Rhaenyras heir and not jus that, Visaenys was her only daughter and Rhaenyra always wanted a daughtet, she needed to have good relations with the girl. Daemon didn't put up a fight either, he loved his daughter, but he knew that it would be good for Visaenys to learn something different, something useful and she would learn plenty of things from the sea snake and princess Rhaenys, he was sure of that. So the princess packed her things and flew on Vermithor to Driftmark. Princess Rhaenys took her in with love. Visaenys reminded Rhaenys of Laena so much and so did Baella. So Rhaenys loved them as her own daughters and raised them better than anyone could've, she showered them with love.

Visaenys was hurt, she was heartbroken, she has just lost her mother figure and, then she lost her father. She was angry at Rhaenyra and Daemon. Despite Laenor not being her real father, he still was the one to take care of her. She did live all her childhood with Daemon and Laena, but Laenor wrote her everyday, he even used to fly on Seasmoke to visit her and his sisters. He truly loved her, he didn't care that she wasn't his. He was just happy that he had a daughter. And Visaenys loved Laenor, she loved getting letters from him and receiving vists, they would talk all night, eat cake, oranges, drink tea and read books together. She was hurt by her mothers and Daemons decision, they murdered him, so soon after Laenas death. That's not fair. She was also mad because that hurt Rhaenys, she loved her children more than anything, so it hurt and Visaenys had to watch and know what her mother did. It was her son. It was her daughter. They didn't deserve that, they were supposed to live happy, but neither of them really did. The siblings loved their children, but they were stuck in marriages, Daemon didn't live Laenor, at least not as much as she wanted him to and Laenor's lover was dead, he died on his and Rhaenyra's wedding, also he couldn't spend time with his new one. So at least Visaenys hoped that wherever they are, that they're happy. That's what mattered most.

Visaenys and Baella were best friends, they were cousins, but their connection was sister like, so they always called one another sister. Baella was a true beauty, she reminded of lilies, the ones that her mother loved so much. Baella was kind hearted and smart too, she was really nice and always had time for Visaenys. But Visaenys, Visaenys was different, everything she did, she did for a reason, that reason being to get the iron throne. That was her only ambition, she would have slayed every man and woman that got in her way to the throne. She learned every war strategy and every war history from lord Corlys, whilst Rhaenys learned her everything an heir should know, she learned her about politics and diplomacy. Everyone in Drifmark knew that Visaenys will be queen, one way or another and once her rein will begin, she will be loved and remembered forever. Visaenys was ambitios and intelligent, she planned her every move, that's why she loved chess so much, she played them with Baella everyday. She knew that she was a woman and she knew what that meant, it meant that she could bring whomever she wanted to their knees and most importantly she wasn't afraid to use that. Countless numbers of men fell under her spells, there were among tens if not hundreds of men that would do anything that only she would look their direction. What was the best, was that Visaenys did never had to dishonor herself for them, she never had to show herself, most men loved the secret she was and she knew they did. She used that, she hypnotized them with their own fantasys, never truely completing them, but that was what they loved about her, she was surreal, a fever dream, a fantasy. A fantasy of a silver haired princess with pretty red dresses, flying on the mighty Vermithors back, barely visible, but their imagination fools them and does all the job for Visaenys.

Her and Vermithor got even closer on her time in Driftmark. Visaenys, Rhaenys and Baella would go riding their dragons over the cruel sea all the time. They enjoyed the salty winds and would circle their dragons all around the islands and castle. Even if Baella's dragon Moondancer was the smallest, the dragons always accepted the she-dragon. Vermithor being the second biggest living dragon had a power advantage, but Maelys was the fastest, she with Rhaenys always won all the races. But Moondancer was the dragons dear friend, just like all the ladies loved each other, the dragons did too.

Visaenys recieved letters from her mother, but as time passed she started getting them rarer. Daemon wrote to both Baella and Visaenys and so did Jace and Luke. The only one that sends ravens everyday was Rhaena, she missed her sisters dearly, she longed for the day she would see them and the Driftmark ladies felt just the same.

Visaenys usually thought about her family on Dragonstone, she missed her brothers more than anything. She missed Luke and his adorable curls, she missed Jace and his grace, she missed Joffrey even though, when she saw him last he was just a baby. But she loved Driftmark more than anything, mostly she found comfort in the fact, that Laena was somewhere near in the water, perhaps the seas have taken her far away, if not to Dorne, but she liked to believe that Laena was there swimming around Driftmark, watching her and her daughter grow into women. She missed Laena more than anything, she felt empty without her, like a part of her was missing. Laena's daughters felt just the same and that brought the girls even closer. Daemon did try to comfort them on Laena's funeral, but there wasn't much he could do to help.

And so Visaenys grown, grown into a beautiful lady, a lady that was ready for her iron throne.

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