A few weeks later


We were soon to march to the east, and I was preparing to give a motivational speech. I never liked them, you either know what you fight for, or you're wasting your time, or life in this situation.

All the soldiers were standing in front of a hill that I was supposed to stand. I flew to the hill on Vermithor, because he needed to strech his wings and he's too much of a baby to do it alone. Corlys, Valerie, Sennina, Avery, the rest of the commanders and Aemond were already standing on the top of the hill.

Vermithor landed harshly and with a loud thud. He helped me to get off of him with his wing and once I was on the ground turned to him, but not fully, he walked a little so I would be facing him. And so he bowed to me and clicked his tongue the way he always did when saying goodbye to me. I bowed back and he took off to fly in the clouds with Vhagar.

I walked towards the end of the hill, so I could stand beside my grandsire, handmaid  friends and uncle, but also could watch the men that were about to die. The commanders bowed to me and when my soldiers saw me they did the same, all shouting "All hail The Bronze Queen!".

The sweet taste of respect, overcoming my mouth made a slight lump in it. I was excited, to say the least.

The crown's men looked at the rest with confusion. They didn't understand that despite my men being lazy, they all would've died for me. They were loyal to me, only me, all of them. They would've said it was treasonous to say that, but their prince and leader did not care for such names and so called treasons, so they didn't have the right to say something

As I stood everyone was quiet, waiting for me to speak. "Soldiers, you all are fighters, fighters to the flesh, bone and blood. You do not care yourself with the opinions of cowards, who didn't dare to come here, who didn't dare to fight. You are brave, strong men who would do anything for victory. And I know you are tired, we all are. You wish to go to your wives and children. But if we succeed in the upcoming battles, you will be able to see your beloveds. Some of you will die, some of you will be injured. But you will die with honor, with bravery, with power! And so will mothers name their children after you, so your family will remember and speak of you for years, so will every living being in Westeros be grateful to you! They will think of you, remember you and speak of you for thousands of years! So let's make something for them to remember, let's make something our enemies will remember for good and shiver when they hear the names of the kings, queens and you!" I shouted for all to hear.

After my speech, men started cheering and yelling. After all, I did bring a new spark in them. Perhaps a spark that may turn into a fire. Vermithor landed protectively behind me and let out a loud roar and stretched out his wings, making the men even more passionate, now yelling in union "The Bronze Queen" over and over again.

People say love is the sweetest feeling, well those people clearly never felt glory, power and respect...


I watched as she flew in the sky with her mighty dragon, dragon almost the size of Vhagar. I looked at her when she landed, I wanted to look away, I wanted to look towards the men that were standing in front of us, but I couldn't pull my eye away from her.

It seemed like she was some kind of witch that cursed me, cursed me with love, passion and lust towards her and only her. I had other women, I knew what it was like to want a woman, but I needed Visaenys.

It was nothing like what I felt for my late night companions, she made me animalistic. I didn't even know the girl, yet all I could think of was her. I could do anything for her. I could march to war and win it. Kill anybody she wishes to die. I could be her slave and I would enjoy every moment of it. She could kill me and I would be the happiest man that ever lived, just because the last thing I saw, where her fiery eyes.

Her dragon bowed to her, it was a gesture of respect and love, nothing like I had seen before. Vermithor was known for his fury and cruelty. He was truly terrifying to the small folk. Not to me, of course. I rode Vhagar, the largest living dragon. But Vermithor was a beast of glory, a beast of a king. So knowing the reputation of the dragon it brings me respect towards Visaenys and slight fear, for making a dragon like him bow to her. But as I already noticed, she is full of surprises.

She walked to the edge of the hill and started talking with her men.

She shouted to them words of encouragment, but I didn't even hear her. I was caught in a trance by her glory, like the day I lost my eye. She felt like a fever dream. Her hair was playing in the harsh sea wind, as our dragons were howling like wolves to the moon. It was magnificent. She was addicting. I felt how she consumed me and filled any void in my head. She was a goddess.

Her men started shouting "The Bronze Queen" over and over again, each time getting louder. They loved her and she was showering in their love.


I watched my granddaughter with love and respect. I was so proud of her. She was the only person who could bring their spark back and she did it.

I watched her, just like anyone else, as she was giving her speech. But then I turned to look at her uncle, prince Aemond Targaryen, the one eyed boy.

He was staring at her, he was gawking at my little warrior, my granddaughter, of whom I loved so much. He was drooling at her, staring with lust in his eyes. I started wondering, what was the real reason of him joining us. I noticed at Laena's funeral how he stared at Visaenys everywhere she went. He couldn't take his eye of the poor girl. I started fearing, what if he's just like his brother. What if he's like Aegon and wishes to harm my little girl.

I swore there and then to protect her at all times. Both of my children are dead and she is the last thing to represent them both. My granddaughters from Laena only represent her, but she is the perfect combination of the both of them, even if she doesn't share their blood. I would do anything for her happiness. She was the queen, I was willing to bow to.

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